Now the US government is prepping the masses to reveal the existence of aliens. We can’t catch a break y’all
I think I can sum up their “report”. “We don’t know what those things are”.
We can just give COVID to the aliens, should work
We don’t deserve aliens. We will ruin them.
If there are aliens, they won’t make there presence known to us. It would be like us trying to explain science to monkeys as they fling pooh at one another. We are not worthy.
rip fauchi
Some people here are way too tense about this retail drought need to just have some fun lol
It’s a little odd that the US is talking about UFOs but good for them.
Secret military aircraft or real extra terrestrials??
I’m over here wondering like what if they legit are prepping us for first contact… how insane.
They aren’t. The whole UFO/Alien thing is a damn joke.
Idk man as a science nerd who works on aircraft I really wanna know what they are and how they work.
There is undeniably some form of advanced aerial technology on our planet, I think that’s safe to say
I don’t know. It’s a pretty big universe lol, but I guess the odds of them finding us would be pretty small. Assuming the level of technology needed to even reach us, it seems sort of unlikely that they’d allow themselves to be caught on video.
More like amoebas.
With how he flip flops like a fish it’s hard to take what he says seriously.
“Double mask people!”
“there is no evidence double masking is effective”
Though what i wonder. IF the wuhan leak proves true… What ramification would that have on twitter and facebook since they suppressed that info.
Carl Sagan? /grin Yes, there’s life out there, but doubtful anyone is advanced enough…and if they are they might do a drive by, but that’s all. Lol!!
Aliens ever visiting here is like you walking down the street and you see a worm on the sidewalk, do you bend over and try to communicate with it or just walk on past?
"If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.” —Stephen Hawking,
It just once again validates the people who said big tech shouldn’t be able to censor “false” information.
Funny how it didn’t even take big tech a year to call it wrong. I’d argue that we’d all be a lot more confident on the facts of COVID if this exact sort of censorship didn’t occur.
Look we tried communicating with you people before but you just went on your media outlets and talked about how we brought you up to the ship, probed, and sent back after the medical checkup because you were in hysterics about our safety protocols. It’s not my fault you can’t handle a little checkup to make sure everything is safe for the both of us before we have a chat…hic!
Honestly I hope that if aliens do exist they offer us some promises of power…. Would definitely be interested in becoming an alien-human hybrid
I don’t think we need to worry about aliens invading us lol. We’d have nothing to offer them. Their level of technology would be impossibly beyond ours. They could just synthesize everything they’d ever need.