Just barely out of COVID

/slams $10 on the table and push it to the pot.

Yeah, who else is going to bet that the UFO story is going to be another hoax or false alarm like all the other times of those “UFO” reports?

If they can cross the galaxy to visit earth, then they’ll look at us the way we look at chimps.

Which means they wouldn’t give a crap about us, except as some exotic animal they can study or conquer.

Think about how every time a superior technological society encounters a lesser one in our own history. The Spanish Conquistadors vs . . . most of South and Central America, for example.

It’d be that . . . but with a wider gap. Maybe more akin to ants vs one human with a spray can of Raid.

That’s what I tell people, when we discus aliens or life somewhere else, look what we have done in last 100 years. We have only been flying for little over 100 years now and look at computers?

Just think what we will be like in 1000 or 100,000 years, its mind boggling.


Maybe, but there’s superior technology and then there’s the “magic” that an alien civilization would possess. What possible benefit would there be in conquering us?

Vacation spots? Who knows, maybe coral reefs are extremely rare in the galaxy and the aliens like to swim?

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Maybe just get us out of the way to harvest Earth’s resources, maybe slave labor.

Of course, if they can travel light years, they can likely build AI to do their labor for them, so slavery probably wouldn’t be interesting to them.

Unless they’re fearful of AI.

Maybe they just came across the galaxy for a refreshing Sam Adams Summer Ale?


Well, the aliens were just waiting for the most deadly virus to ever hit the planet, to die off before they invade the earth and make everyone slaves. That would at least explain the anal probing.

Presumably they could just clone their own slaves if that was of any interest to them. Their robotics would be thousands of years beyond ours. As far as resources go, they would be able to synthesize any resource that we possess. We can synthesize gold. If we can do it, they figured it out long ago.

But…I would invade for a Sam Adams on a hot summer day!

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If theyr kind lacketh similar photon-processing visual organs to that of earthly mammals, and they cannot interface with our minds if telepathic they be, I’ll grant, but theyr being so far ahead of us 'twould cometh as no surprise to me if they boasted some means of facilitating communication across species presuming of course that is theyr intent, which beeth not entirely unfair to so do if the hist’ry of extraterrestrial visitors hither proveth more fact than fabrication. Perchance it maye be even if not.

How about watching some actual classic movies like “The Last Starfighter”, “The Explorers”, and “Flight of the Navigator”?


No, not really. The Pentagon admitted they have seen flying objects they cant identify from time to time.

So naturally the conspiracy theorists instant conclusion is:


Not based in real science.

Edit: though they were so much fun to watch with my kids!!

But rad.

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just wanting them to be prepared for a covid 2 situation when the aliens bring all their diseases with them

Not sure how that would work. This assumes that alien biology even uses DNA/RNA, and assumes that alien viruses would have the proteins or the ability to mutate to use proteins, that can open our cells and infect them with their genetic code.

Why would alien life be compatible to ours?

It aight though because if they aint woke aliens they gonna get cancelled anyway.
Better hope they woke or we wont get to understand them.

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Just think of it as an organized crime syndicate trying to entertain and amuse us til they get themselves all set up.

This includes the “ufo/alien reveal”. It’ll probably be a series of videos involving bright drones and other tech we’ve never seen before but man made as well as some holographic images, stuff like that.

Remember War of the Worlds back in the day. They read that on the radio for Halloween and some people freaked out, thinking it was real.

What if they’re less alien to Earth than we are? What if they’re another type of people who’ve been here for a very, very long time?

What if they do have advanced tech? If I had that, I wouldn’t care if others saw me or not.

All I know is that if they do exist, and I suspect they do, then they don’t seem terribly interested in us as a species as they haven’t done anything to us that I’m aware of.

Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.

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Get a job bro