Just barely out of COVID

I never said/thought that, in fact my comment reflects that with the worm on the sidewalk, meaning we are not interesting enough for an alien to visit here?

I’m going to go watch Contact, followed by Interstellar, followed by Martian, followed by Arrival.


Sorry, I was talking about the Hawking quote.

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Ahh np :slight_smile: but if they did his first part of that quote would lead to that. That’s if all life follows same path as humans.

“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach. [Contacting aliens would be] a little too risky"

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That wasn’t an alien movie? :thinking:

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Yeah…and I think there’s some truth to that if we’re talking about a civilization that’s not infinitely more advanced than the one it stumbles upon. We wanted colonies and gold. I’m not sure that an alien race advanced enough to get here would need those things. We can synthesize gold now.

I’m trying to imagine what we could possibly offer a civilization that’s hundreds or thousands of years more advanced than us. Baseball maybe lol.

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That’s easy, a living breathing planet.

Yall dont seem to realize, they’ve already visited us, long long ago and we are just an exhibit in their zoo. That is how much more advanced they likely would be.


Well, there’s science and then there’s Sigourney Weaver - my rockin Ripley!

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:rofl: :rofl:

Sure, but we already have a theoretical understanding of how terraforming would work. They would have certainly figured that out if they have the technology to get here.

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Say it with me.

UFOs are not aliens.
UFOs are not aliens.
UFOs are not aliens.

Get it? Got it? Good.

UFOs are any flying object that people can’t identify. Could be a test aircraft, a weather phenomena, a trick of the light.

But the record of UFOs does not immediately mean there are aliens.

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That we could actually communicate, mayhap.
As it standeth the worm lacketh the apropos appendages with which to write and organs with which to speak, which doth presenteth an impressive communications barrier as I amn’t myself either a telepath or, methinks, psychically gifted.

That’s true but given it takes 100’s of years, maybe a civilization doesn’t have that long to wait, maybe their star is soon to go or they are like us, destroyed their planet, who knows what our planet will be like in 1000’s of years, it may end up like Mars or Venus, like what is happening with this said alien civilization.

Aliens did visit us.

They saw Logan Paul, and then decided we’re not worth it as a species and left.


Did i miss something in the news?

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How do you know? Maybe it’s like bees, they communicate chemically, maybe worms do as well. Look at dolphins, they been around WAY longer than we have and look at their commutations.

I don’t doubt we won’t be able to communicate with an alien civilization, just look at all the animals on this planet, we have yet to be able to communicate with any of them and they live here.

OR they saw our tv shows from the 50’s 60’s and 70’s?

I think I read that they think it would take millions of years to terraform Mars, but that’s with our current technological understanding. Look at how far we’ve come in just the last 200 years. Try to imagine a civilization that’s thousands of years ahead of us. It’s impossible to even fathom what they’d be capable of.

If they really wanted to take over, there’s not a thing we could do about it lol, but I think that only exists in the realm of science fiction.