Ever since I started tanking over healing this expansion, I have noticed that melee still have it easier.
The first boss of Plaguefall, melee is right up to the boss allowing them to easily run through the boss to avoid his Slime waves.fFnal boss of Plaguefall, melee can stick really close to the tentas and move very easily to avoid them.
You don’t see the Ranged side of mechanics if you don’t play ranged and vice versa.
Lol cuz you aren’t allowed to stand near a boss if you’re ranged…
It’s easier because you have that choice.
Also ranged getting interrupted from casting is not hard, it’s annoying. There’s a difference between the things that currently make melee difficult vs the things that make ranged slightly annoying.
I played ranged all bfa on multiple classes. Melee is more punishing on mechanics, has more interrupts and stuns to be aware of, is punished more severely for any time the mobs or you have to move (which with spiteful is a lot) and have typically more actions per minute in the rotation. Melee harder.
There’s a weakaura for Spiteful that yells at you when you’re fixated.
Just get out of range and let everyone else kill yours. It’ll go away eventually on its own too.
Ranged often have a harder time moving out of effects while doing damage. Some mechanics, like Argus floor cone, were harder to get out of if you were at range.
Storming sucked, in every group I was in, ranged were getting targeted for tornadoes. But that’s more a tank problem than a melee problem. Tank needs to move away from the tornadoes.
There’s also mechanics in game that simply can not hit melee.
Come to think of it, main reason I don’t play melee is because I’m bad at it. Not because “blizzard hates it”.
have a link for that? So far ive only seen ones that have a notify if your getting hit… which isnt the best if one hit takes 2/3 of your hp. Know of any that notifies if your fixated?
Some of the fights in Nathria and the last 2 m+ affixes have been very anti-melee.
It’s really frustrating at times, even though Unholy fares better than most with pet damage and the ranged Scourge Strike talent.
I think DK is really strong but I do miss playing my Warlock and I would perform better playing ranged.
Protip: if the add isn’t red and there are no angry eyes over your character, it didn’t target you. You therefore don’t have to go anywhere - dps away.
And even if one of them did target you, just cc / stun / knockback that one while you focus on its friends.
You should try playing ranged if you think is that much easier. I guarantee, you are in for a rude awakening. For every melee mechanic, there’s five ranged mechanics. For every gap opener a ranged has, melee have 3 gap closers.
That’s the reason this game has WAY more melee players than ranged players. It’s straight up easier to melee.
Show your work my guy, ret usually sits right around the middle of the pack and has for many, many years. Any time it looks like ret may be top tier, they eat a nerf or two. But I can’t speak for prot or holy since I generally don’t play them.
It’s true that it’s easier to melee for things that aren’t difficult. But ranged is preferable for more difficult content, considering that most any mechanic melee has to do, ranged can do more easily and they don’t take up the limited space around the boss. Which melee have to compete with healers for now that holy and MW benefit from being in melee range.
Is it as bad to be melee as it was back in mists where bringing more than 2-3 was a serious detriment? No, not really. But outside of DKs being absolutely busted this tier, I see ranged being more desirable overall.
Paladin tanks have the lowest HP of all tanks making tanking with a Paladin a lot more risky cause mechanic that would 2 Shot a higher health tank would one shot a Paladin. Every other tank gets a way of temporily increasing their health to survive said one shot mechanics.
Holy was a single target tank healer until pretty much the end of Cata where they gained Holy Radiance to break free from the tank healing role. After that Blizzard started to finally let them have some AoE heals.
The golden child would be Druids. Guardian Druid had a massive health pool with super strong defensives. It took people complaining non stop about them to even get them nerfed down to a reasonable level.
Just this expansion alone, they gave Resto Druid like 10 CC, Snares, Roots etc. They are pretty much the premier Mythic dungeon healers.
And if you’re using your cooldowns and self-heals properly, this is never an issue.
There is a reason why paladin tanks are simming at the top for both M+ and raids right now.
Healers are incredibly well-balanced this expansion. Druids being good at healing doesn’t necessarily take away the fact that paladins still have the some of the strongest single target healing in the game, even with the AoE additions.
Wasn’t talking about Druids healing. I was talking about how they now have 10 CC, Snares, and Roots on top of their very strong healing.
Why take any other healer when you got one that heals just as good but have so much utility and speed boosts. Had one Druid collect all orbs for Devos boss by itself before any one even reached one.
They are shining right now just become of how much they overtuned Word of Glory. It never is good when one spell has to carry the class in its current state.
It becomes an issue if raid groups want to solo tank boss as they progress further. With a high health tank, you can solo tank bosses. Back in my high school days and college days, I could solo tank raid bosses with my Druid due to the high health pool.
You do realize that mechanically, melee have to move out of boss range far more often, right? That downtime affects their DPS and requires effort on the player’s part to understand the fight enough to rotate burst windows based on the fight’s mechanics. In most fights that aren’t pure phase-out fights where the boss can’t be hit, a good ranged player will have near-perfect uptime on their damage.
You’re taking a hard stance against melee without really understanding how it functions. The ‘reason’ you see a lot of melee in this game is because many people hate sitting in the back hard-casting. Being a good melee player and being a good ranged player require very different mindsets/playstyles. Melee constantly deal with balancing defensive/offensive actions while chasing their opponent (or peeling for their healer in PvP), whereas casters have to understand melee’s kits so that they know when they can free-cast without interrupt.
They’re just different mind games that have to be played. Neither is inherently “bad”, just different.