To be honest most of the times it’s not the Blizzard…it’s the Tanks. They love to pull the cleaving boss just outside the massive pool of fire so them and only them have a place to stand. Us lowly melee throw stuff at it or stand in fire. Afterwards they complain about our low dps and boot us from the raid. It’s a fun cycle.
If Blizzard want’s to help us they would pick a class and give them the ability to create safe spots to stand around the boss.
Really what? Rogues have the lowest DPS vs other pure melee classes (Lock, Hunter, Mage) no matter what spec in PvE. Plus being melee means less uptime on bosses when you have to avoid stuff.
There is a reason you see 0 rogues right now in high end raids when a DK brings the same utility with AMS, has better DPS, doesn’t lose as much DPS when they lose uptime on a boss and has AMZ as a group utility.
I was just pointing out the dumb comment made by a huntard that Rogues are Blizzard’s “favourite” class. If anything Rogues are a forgotten class half the time…we didn’t even have conduits for most of the beta and every Rogue covenant skill is meh at best. They buffed the Kyrian spell so much near the end of the beta due to it being so bad and ended up not even realising how it would synergize with the Sub toolkit making the Rogue “one shot” possible in PvP. Over long fights in PvE it really doesn’t matter which skill you have since they are all pretty close to one another.
Even now people like to say a Rogue kills them in one GCD which is pretty much impossible since you hit cheap shot before opening up…so it’s really two GCDs at least
I should of mentioned hunters getting hit hard by early PvP nerfs as well since a few people jumped on me for forgetting that, but Rogues are no where near a “favourite” class. Hunters and Rogues got hit hard because people were losing their minds getting killed out of stealth feeling they had no way to react, even though the same thing exists right now with Balance doing insane dmg off convoke full moon proc/crits + starsurge, or Ret just bubbling and mashing their face over the keyboard while you die in a stun.
No Class is a favourite. This dev team just sucks at balancing both PvE and PvP. They don’t communicate enough letting us know what they think are problems or are not which leads to stupid threads like this and people whining about crap. It would be nice to know their intentions and what they plan on doing instead of crap like they did with Hunters and Rogues in PvP where Ion is on some stream talking about balance, then a few hours later hotfixes show up in game. That’s not good communication.
Why are you pinballing between PVE and PVP? The post I responded to was a PVP topic.
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My post that you commented on was a comment to a huntard who was saying Rogues are Blizzards “favourite” class and used both our middle of the pack DPS + almost 0 group utility outside of shroud for M+ skips AND being one of the few classes to (rightfully) get nerfs in PvP as an example of why we are far from a “favourite”.
Agreed. Saying Blizzard has a favorite class is stupid.
Conversely, they definitely have one class that they hate.
I’m not even complaining about my class. I’m just having fun playing Rogue again after sitting on this character since MoP. I just hate when people make any dumb comments about X class being a favourite, or all that crap.
It’s like in Wrath people used to always say Mages are OP cause Ghostcrawler mains a mage. It’s dumb comments like this that take away from the bad job Blizzard has done (especially through the last few expansions), of communicating and actually making adjustments to underpreforming specs.
Has Blizzard ever said this? I know they classified them as a pure DPS class back in TBC when it came to the 5% hybrid tax. Just a curiosity question based on the past. I never felt we were a pure DPS.
To be fair, I’ve never seen a raid boss’ face…I’ve been killing ankles for 3 years now.
I just know if the feet are pointed at me, it’s a bad day.
I agree wholeheartedly with the OP.
Almost every mob in SL (and the last couple expansions) have had ridiculous abilities that do nothing but punish melee players.
Examples, of course: Maldraxxus mobs like the stitched abominations throw up circles under their feet that hurt to stand in – conveniently only hitting melee.
180°cleaves, auras that hit melee causing roots and snares, sanguine…
The list can go on.
It would be nice if there were more deterrents for ranged players.
Yes, I know they upped melee dps to account for having to move more than ranged, but the difference is negligible if it still exists at all in Shadowlands. Going by the nerfs you’re hitting the melee classes with because of that terrible side-game PvP, it’s hard to tell if we have any merit whatsoever.
Stop giving every mob 10ft diameter crap around their feet that melee have to constantly move out of.
And while you’re at it, stop making changes to PvE because of PvP whiners. Separate the two games types altogether. The gear and abilities from one should NEVER work for the other.
A true PvP stat other than Versatility would of worked great. Vers is still such a good stat for a lot of classes with bad mastery that makes a lot of PvP gear work in both aspects of the game.
Then you’ve got PvPers taking PvE trinkets into Arenas because no one cares about an extra 5% versatility that only affects the dmg and healing component of the stat and not giving an extra dr.
You are insane. They hate melee so much there’s more melee specs and/or classes in the game than ranged.
You’re bad at the game I get it.
Imagine throwing out childish insults and calling anyone who disagrees with you ( literally everyone in this thread btw) names because you can’t accept the fact that your class is broken lmfao. Grow up kid this isn’t classic, Paladins havent been bad in years and they definitely aren’t bad now grow tf up and get good whiney baby.
Well I’ll let ion know to punch your simp card you earned it might get a free expansion look at the jingling keys. Talk to me when you break 10k achieves scrub.
In what way am I being a simp? What does me telling you that your class is broken have to do with simping or ion? Lol are you actually retarded?. Get good scrub, you aren’t even level 60 yetlooool
I am armory doesnt update often and hasnt for a while, your a simp for defending a trash game pretty obvious at this point 3 months content, broken poorly designed specs legendaries and more time gates than all previous expansions combined. Also I thought I told you to talk to me when you break 10k scrub.
Well range need to be doing something while you melee are running around try not to get hit you know
You’re spewing random bs now when and where was I defending the game you retard. You cried saying your class was bad and I’m telling you otherwise because it’s literally been complained about since day one of launch and its top in all forms of content. No one said anything about the expansion being good we literally have only been speaking on Paladins and I think the expansion sucks so I’m far from a white knight. Like i said from the get go, just because you don’t like your class design doesn’t mean the spec is weak retard.
‘Melee is twice as hard to play and twice as taxing on your tendons, and healers, than ranged.’
-my hands and healer
Melee can perform their entire rotation while moving, whereas ranged have to stop doing DPS to move for mechanics. That is why melee have to deal with more things in order to even out the performance.