Just admit it. You make life for us melee a living hell in raid and in dungeons while ranged get it easy. So many abilities from bosses and affixes punish melee only or a lot harder than ranged. Last week we had storming which is one of if not the worst affixes especially when in some dungeon such as SD and ToP, getting those tornados in small hallways and on small platforms sucks, A LOT. Melee have to dance around these tornadoes as they spin around the enemies in pretty big circles so it’s hard to actually find a position to stand w/o getting hit while ranged can slightly move over and be safe to cast away with no fear of the tank moving in a way that would put them back in the path of the tornado.
Now this week we get another affixes that punishes melee way harder than ranged, spiteful. Now when we kill add another add spawns that focus targets you and hit’s hard in high keys and it spawns right where the add died and guess what, that’s right where melee are so we have to run out and be useless for the remained of that adds lifespan while ranged can easily kill it before it even reaches them.
Now I know people will say ‘But volcanic only targets ranged!’ Yeah except that isn’t nearly as annoying as storming as it only does it once and once it’s done you can go back to standing where you are, it doesn’t leave a pool of lava at your feet to block you from standing there. And next we have quaking which people will say also is only a issue for ranged as it interrupts you. Easily fixed by just moving an inch or canceling your cast and your good, while melee are stacked on the boss with the tank and any other melee there so they have to worry about stacking and getting hit by multiple quakings.
I’m tired of the favoritism blizz has for ranged with not making any affixes that drastically harm ranged or boss mechanics that harm only ranged and not melee. Yes there are some but not nearly as many as for melee which is the reason why so many groups will take 1 if any melee but will happily stack ranged as there’s really no point in taking melee if they’re just going to take more damage than ranged and bring nothing ranged can’t also do.
The literal living definition to the fact that Blizzard loves Melee and I never see rogues complain about any mechanic as they are too busy slicing and dicing…
Rogues are the worst pure dps class right now and the only class that was considered op in PvP to get significant nerfs. Your statement is flat out incorrect.
Melee never have to perform any kind of mechanics besides interrupt. All we have to do is dodge void zones and stay alive. Been like this since molten core
I dont think they hate melee. Melee are WAY over represented, so really more players dont need any more incentives to play the easymode role in this game.
So good on Blizzarrd for making your role a little tougher, its still probably the easiest role in game.
So what you’re saying is there needs to be less melee?
except I just explained melee have it a lot harder compared to ranged which IMO have it a lot easier with having less things to dodge or and easier time dodging
I actually argue the opposite. Melee need to have their lives made collectively worse because there are way too many. For way too long, melee have had life way too easy in both PvE and PvP that this game may as well be called world of meleecraft.
Go look around in the city and world and take note of what you see. Hunters and melee by far.
Also in past mythic+, melee have had it way easier. Both volcanic and quaking affected casters much more harshly than melee and the heavy movement all bosses come with these days still gives melee an advantage.
MM can’t kill in a single gcd anymore. prenerfs to double tap and aimed shot, sure, however not even the top hunters can anymore. now takes 2 gcds, or 3 if you get rng’d :>