Just a request

I never really have been irritated by this kind of thing much, but Im starting to finally understand why other players have complained about tanks not knowing the route before trying to run a dungeon

I get it, we need more incoming tanks and healers, but if youre going to tank please learn the dungeon path FIRST. I dont get bent if you dont know any shortcuts, thats fine. Im not in a rush. But for the love of sunny geezus, could we at least know the basic path from start to finish BEFORE we try tanking?

OR…and this one kills me…could we at the very least …if we’re not going to learn the basic dungeon pathing, PLEASE when everyone in the group is saying “we cant go to X until we deal with whats at Y” could we PLEASE maybe actually pay attention and NOT run all the way to X just to find out we have to now backtrack for 7 minutes in this HUGE dungeon to do whats a Y, like we should have done in the first place?

I think I must have gotten the exact same tank twice today lol. Did the EXACT same thing in two runs.

Press the M button. There you go, there’s your proper pathing. Modern dungeon design is horribly linear.

oh…its way worse than that…this was Dire Maul for god sake…so a dungeon we ALL know for a long time now lol

At that point I am just wondering why you’re doing vanilla dungeons instead of just questing, which is significantly faster for leveling.

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I usually do both…quest while in queue…i love old dungeons.
but at a point you do have to just accept its likely more wasting your time than not lol

Or you could try communicating with your team mate. Tank and group leader are not synonymous.



Thread topic…'learn the dungeon BEFORE you tank"

Sure, soon as all the average joes learn to use their CD’s properly, and interrupts and full stops and as soon as they learn the mechanics of the bosses and priority targets.

Refutation to the thread topic… No.

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And how would you suggest one does that? To learn something without being given the chance to learn it. The only answer is research. And your nuts if you think you have the right to expect someone to do research to play a meaningless game with random strangers.

This is perfectly reasonable. Though we’ve kind of screwed ourselves here with the “gogogo” mentality here. If the tank stops to read chat they are typically going to get reamed for being to slow. Or, at the very least, the DPS are going to start pulling b/c the tank stopped moving for more than .5 sec.


I can do Dire Maul a thousand times and still get lost.


I don’t think I’ve ever been in Dire Maul. I don’t even know where the entrance is lol. How that’s supposed to be something “we all know” is beyond me.


uh…the same way we all do…follow someone else…youtube…google…etc? lol

This is an OLD classic dungeon…ZERO excuses given we ALL have run it 1000 times lmao

Yes. One specific person should spoil every story before picking that shield icon and research every single one of wow’s 144 dungeons to know the absolute most efficient way through. Don’t learn by playing the game, or exploring or adventuring.

People like you are.why I hate tanking. Always have to research the meta way.


As I said before. That’s perfectly reasonable.

Your nuts.

Yup … cause everyone has been playing since then. Never had a new customer come to wow before. YOu realy don’t think before you speak do you?


Just let them experience the game. Figuring out dungeons sight unseen is a vanishingly rare pleasure in this game.


glad you finished your rant , no one cares

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Am i hearing this correctly?
“I want to LEAD the group, I just dont want to know WHERE im going” ?

I actually miss when more stuff was super straight forward, i can’t even tell you how much it bugs me when I’m running old content for mounts/mog and the raid is all over the shop, kill this guy, talk to that NPC, port here, platform there, go back that way, blah blah blah… it just makes me want to hearth lol

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lmao run the dungeon with tanks who know the path…theyre right there in the random classic queue. same way I learned the pathing.

You have got to be joking. I literally said…

and i also said…

which is VERY easily done by clicking that dungeon queue for classic dungeons and doing them all a time or two.