June Trading post

Then make one with rockets and have his lil leggies waggle around when he flies let’s go!!!

Tauren Mounted Flying Turtles!

Could usher in a new era of fun wow YouTube skit videos

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Best healer name

Big fan :joy:

Big same except that also indicates all the chicken tendies are spent lol

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Goblins can make cannons work as rockets too.

Blizzard messed up there with that turtle. Couldn’t even let it run at normal ground speed. So, why even use it when the Otters exist already?

Still no post anywhere what is coming out tomorrow at the Trading post…man they must still all have hangovers going on …

But yet tons of people are still trying to get here

Well, they didn’t announce that pride stuff is being added in OW2, and the comments are turned off on that wowhead article, so maybe there’s pride stuff going to be added and they are waiting because they know there’s going to be reactions from each side. OOOOR maybe they are just hungover.

They turned comments off as the Pride event is opt in and it is disabled in certain countries. They also don’t want the pot stirred since they randomly turned Pharah gay as game control for the cut PvE content.

Blizzard clearly doesn’t actually care for the LGBTQ+ community when it can threaten profits from certain blocs.

It’s meant for the water. They made up their mind.

Its was posted on wowhead about the OW pride stuff just can’t comment on it is all…I see the post right there now and this making it all about pride when the post thread was about the trading post is wrong too.

The Otter is better.

We have the same species of Turtle Mounts already that can run at mount speed.

Blizzard has rendered the turtle pointless as no smart player will never use it over the free Otters.

Yeah. I mean, the turtle looks great, but my Otterwordly Ottuk can do everything. It can fly, it can swim and it can run on land all at max speed. Ultimately, this turtle is a mount that will kinda just sit there in my collection and collect dust. It’s a shame, too, because it is very detailed. It deserved better.

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The fate of all mounts that cannot Fly.

Yet players are against doing it the way FF14 did and just let all Mounts fly as the lead, Yoshi-P, was dismayed when he learned that most mounts weren’t being used at all because they couldn’t Fly in FF14. So, he fixed that.

This is the game that’s going to have Lightforged Warlocks.

There’s no excuse to deny all Mounts flying at this point except maybe the Brut as it’s too big.

Stop moving the goalpost lol. You said they can’t make up their mind but they made it clear that the turtle is meant to move slow on land and fast in water. There’s no “needing to make up their mind” needed for the turtle.

Whomever decided that clearly doesn’t play the game.

They did make up their minds, but I just don’t agree with them on this one. It even has fire coming out of its cannons. Even the mount description indicates that it could be used for battle purposes. The mount’s design and general usage contradicts what it is supposed to be, in my opinion.

They don’t have that in game and if you cowards didn’t report and have my post removed you would’ve seen my post about how if you have Pride Month in Wow you need to have ALL the events. Black History Month, Women’s Day, etc, etc, etc. If miss ONE, they’re going to view it as exclusionary/oppressing. That’s why WoW is smart not to open Pandora’s Box.

In short: shut up. You’re wrong.


Activision Blizzard is a massive corporation with clients all over the world. Unfortunately, not every country out there is as progressive or even appreciative in regard to these sorts of events. So, they need to be careful from a business perspective. It’s less about leaving Pandora’s Box closed and more about continuing to make obscene amounts of cash for them. In a perfect world, we could appreciate one another for who we are without some weird political crap going on or general bigotry, and acknowledge/accept our histories, even the darkest parts, so we can avoid repeating these things in the future, but this is not a perfect world.

I hope every single piece of the TP tomorrow is David Rose approved.