June Trading post

…i’m 50/50 on the mental images that question gave me.
would preffer a mechanical-copy of her as a battle-pet. :slight_smile:

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the mental image probably gets worse knowing im cool with it being either her gnome form or dragon. just riding on the back of a gnome

It would help offer bright ideas. :bulb:

It can be possible.


LOL I wish. Chromie following me around as a companion like in Deaths of Chromie… I’d either constantly giggle or constantly want to throw my computer out the window. :rofl:


i’d wanna pick her up, and carry her around on my shoulders. :slight_smile:


Just basing on the past few months. Very very bland and bare bones. So many cool armor sets/weapons/recolors/mounts/pets and they really are stringing us along with only a few cool options a month.

I sitting at 2.5k tender. They should be making it so enticing I should be burning through or wanting to burn through it all.


Stilllllll waiting for a preview :3 cmon blizz/wowhead! I need to know if I can spend my tendies or not :grin:

it comes out tomorrow…

They only know what’s up after Blizzard posts here. Well, there’s some datamining but that isn’t exact.

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Maybe they wanted this month’s to be a surprise! :open_mouth:

waves at the vulpera

Hi Kennie! :smiley:

Nothing’s been officially posted, but we’ll know for sure exactly what they are in 24 hours at the latest.

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I hope they don’t.

I don’t want that in my game.


Fun Fact, your game is shared by millions. Rub some dirt on it, you’ll be ok.


Blizzard easily could tuck them inside or actually develop gear for more than just human male/orc female.

The fact that its sparked this much of a debate on here tells me its political enough to be lore breaking and shouldnt be in the game. maybe azeroth has always been accepting and there isnt a need to have a pride month. dont bring real world problems into other peoples escapism


Except all the other real world problems that are in the game oh no but the second the gays arrive its a problem

Also bruh how do people seriously go “i need to escape from lgbt people” with their chest?

We ain’t out here putting yall to work in the glitter mines. You ain’t escaping from anything


I really need a rainbow tabard transmog.


I took the “maybe” out and turned your comment into a truthful statement.


It’s too late. I called Blizzard and asked if they could put Thrall in a same sex relationship, and I was surprised to hear that it was already planned. He’ll be married to Garrosh in a lake of bigot tears.


This, times a 1000.

If Blizzard wants players to return, they may want to back off on the politics and RW narrative.
It’s getting very tiresome.