Hang on logout.
When I log back in after forced quit all my servers are there but no characters are listed. If I log into the server the characters are all there, but attempting to log out and switch characters (or simply exit the same) simply hangs.
Logging back in lingers on loading screen for several minutes.
(Servers affected: Alleria, Bronzebeard, Quel’Dorei, Farstriders, Kiljaeden, and Kael’thas.)
Same for me, I even tried to log in the companion app and it says no characters found. It must be an Authentication issue on their end or something.
My servers are gone and characters also
Having the same issue with Dalaran. Been trying for the last 40 minutes to get logged but keeps saying “Character not found”. Realm list is showing that I dont even have characters but once logged into the realm character list loads but takes a good 5 minutes to get that far.
Edit: Was able to get character logged in but cant hearth anywhere or exit instance that I logged out in.
seems like it might be time to emergency reboot all realm and login servers…?
same issue here stuck in the maw
Can’t even get into the game after the game loads it DCs me. Did someone at Blizz trip over the plug again?
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Same here, Scryers/Argent Dawn, World Server down, gg Blizz gg
Northrend is back, thanks.
World server down - Shattered Halls
Oribos and spires of arak that I know of so far
World server down-Garrosh and Stormrage. I was in Oribos on both characters.
Issue logging on Frostmorne. Very slowly but managed to log to game and server. When selecting a toon (Pantagana) and trying to finally get in, getting ‘Character not found’ and getting returned to char toon where Pantagana is present
Servers acting all kinds of funny. Long connect times, load times, character selects, character not found issues. etc… etc… Proudmoore
Proudmoore cannot log in to toon that’s in Covenant base
thought it was just me thank god
World server also down on Zul’jin, I had toon in Oribos, Revendreth, Ardenweald and even Dalaran(Legion) and I get the same message.
same for KJ and a long list of others.
same on mal’ganis ): can’t log into any of my toons.
Argent Dawn and Aggramar are both down, plus world server down. Neat.