"Jump Off" 6/8H Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST LFM Mythic Roster

yeah we’re still looking for more :slight_smile:

looking for 1 healer, rogue, DH and possibly a mage!

Looking for more :slight_smile:

looking for a potential healer and rogue!

Still looking for more. Healer/Rogue has prio spots available. :smiley:

Looking for a h pally or priest healer and rogue with priority to roster in TWW. Pst!

Still looking for key spots. :slight_smile:

looking for a rogue + healer. experienced players always welcome if logs are provided!

Bumping again. :slight_smile: Same applies as above.

looking for more skilled people, need 1 healer!

Bump bump. Looking for more. :slight_smile:

are you still looking for a warrior?

Bumping. Lets get those mythic raiders in the door!

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Dang a guild like this needs players! Great raid leader and solid group of people just needing a couple more to fill out the chad alpha squad!

1 healer would be great.

looking for a healer, hunter,warloc,mage!

Needing a healer (MW monk would be hawt) and a hunter/warlock/mage! Hit us up!!

looking for 1 healer and mage/lock/hunter who can pump and also loves to hang out!

LF a healer!

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