"Jump Off" 6/8H Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST LFM Mythic Roster

looking for a mw monk too!

^ what this guy said

wtb healers or monk dps!

Wtb healers and monk dps still

looking for more gamers!

Still looking for healers and a potential tank!

Always considering exceptional players!

looking for healers that are not trolls!

Bumping for this I guess? ^

looking for mw/h pally!

To the top?

looking for mw/h pally still and i think we’re still potentially looking for a tank!

looking for a h priest/mw or Pres evoker!

^^^^^^^^ what this nerd said

looking for reliable, somewhat-experienced mythic raiders :slight_smile:

Bump it up. Ranged dps or healer plz.

looking for 1 healer and a few dps!

Still looking for more!

Still after 1-2 ranged or healers.

Still looking for 1-2 ranged/healers