"Jump Off" 6/8H Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST LFM Mythic Roster

Bumping. Any healers out there looking to progress?

looking for pumper dps or 1 healer!

prio mistweaver monk! :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile: wtb gamers

Bump :slight_smile: wtb gamers

LF hunter/rogue

still looking for that 1 healer and DH/rogue for our roster!

Bumping. Prio for DH/Mistweaver monk

what that nerd above me said!

looking for a mw healer and DH/Rogue/Hunter

Bumping. Prio rogues. :slight_smile:

still looking for a rogue or other gamers

looking for a potential healer or rogue!

wtb rogue and healer :slight_smile:

need a mage!

Not sure what the last guy means, we need a MW monk. :slight_smile:

:boom:WE need YOU :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: to join us for the FIGHT TO GLORY!! :crossed_swords: FOR THE HORDE! :boom:

ignore what she said, we need gamers :slight_smile:

Looking for a cool rad Rogue player :sunglasses:

bumping the post, want gamers.