"Jump Off" 6/8H Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST LFM Mythic Roster

Lets go TWW, to new starts and pushes!!!

Looking for more players. :slight_smile:

to the top!!

Still looking

looking for more peeps to start out next x pac with!

Hey there Rizzloe - I’ve reached out to you on Discord under the name Golbar!

pm’d you. Glad to have you on the team!

LFM to climb mythic with. :), does this make it refresh?

filling the ranks with awesome and nice people. to the top!

Melee DPS: DH, Rogue,
Ranged DPS Moonkin, Warlock, Mage, Evoker (Dev), Hunter
Healers H Pally, Holy/Disc priest, or P Evoker.

looking for more dragonslayers for TWW!

any questions, feel free to DM!

Looking for more players!

looking for moar peepz!

wtb players :slightly_smiling_face:

looking for a MW monk and H pally!

still looking for more people! :slight_smile:

Still looking for the last 3 or 4 players:

Interested in the below classes.

Melee DPS: DH, Rogue,
Ranged DPS Moonkin, Warlock, Mage, Evoker (Dev), Hunter
Healers H Pally, Holy/Disc priest, or P Evoker.

Still looking for these classes!

to the top!

Also need a H pally or MW monk!

Wtb gamers, still looking for more people for tww