"Jump Off" 6/8H Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST LFM Mythic Roster

:boom: Looking for chad gamers :boom:

I am a 473 ilvl DK that can play either frost/unholy (prefer frost). My battletag is Catalyst#1112 if you are interested.

unfortunately we have 2 dks currently and do not need a third. thank you for the interest

wtb gamers

the gamer chads are where?!

Bumping for the Roster Boss

looking for skilled players!

Added on discord, AOTC warlock from s1 looking to return after irl break.

looking for mythic raiders!

wtb dh and good dps that will log in

LF more peeps!

looking for more gamers :slight_smile:

looking for them pro team players!

bump wtb gamers

where the moonkins/locks at???

^^^ what this nerd said

looking for ranged dps!

wtb people

looking for a rogue/warlock/moonkin

wtb people