Jump/glide for everyone

It’s not flying. It’s a jump/glide. Why should only one class have the most convenient movement abilities while having the most sound utility and dps kit?

It’s not the same as the other options we are given now as those all have cds.

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Careful with that you might get nerfed

No it isn’t, it is class homogenization. Also this is a copy of a post from a month or so ago. Why would this one recieve different responses?

Let’s say you’re right.

Does it hurt anyone to have more movement? Is this really breaking your immersion?

I don’t think this is the same as giving bloodlust to hunter pets or mages.

Nope. Absolutely not.

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I play 2 characters of every class because I like how Different they all feel. I’ll send gliders between characters if I need to but I really don’t like it when the classes all get similar abilities, even when it’s convenient. I think most people feel this way

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… and Illestdan was never heard from again. Legend has it he is still out there somewhere pondering “Levitate” for all classes.

Nope. Some classes were meant for less movement speed, dks are one of them.

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but what if dks were lifted by val’kyr and t h r o w n at their targets (jokin g)

Oooh, fastball special, i could support that. :man_playing_water_polo:

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Yes sir I have chosen my hill to die on.

This is a good idea even if the entire forum is against me.

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I like your spirit.

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No, because my glider is provably better than DH gliding.

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So you admit gliding is very useful but would rather use goblin/gnome engineering reagents than to have a class spell like glide like paladin wings?

Why you so jealous of us :joy: wanna be dhs

I’d probably play Classic exclusively (at least for the rest of BfA) if DHs were in it. Would take away from the monotony of no flight. I think they’d be pretty popular with a lot of people.

If the Paladin wings aren’t any better than yours, I won’t be using them.

Well if you read the post you’d see the double jump is also part of this. Very useful for all the hilly terrain.

Characters with the skinning profession should be able to skin defeated DHs in BGs and equip their wings for gliding.

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