Jump Back into Action with the New Level 60 Character Boost

FF14 class boosts only gives you one spec tho. You get 3 specs in WoW so its like 3 ff14 boosts.

Yea but why it at $60 since the halved the lvls it makes little sense to keep it the same . I think $25 be more in line to the lower lvls .

It’s only one dollar per level. What a bargain! :upside_down_face:

If you want to look at it that way… you also do not get free level 80 renown. (only 40 if you have another char that is 80), completion of your covenant campaign, reputations from ALL content is at neutral (which is the huge killer for me tbh), that thing in Korthia that I personally don’t care about. Need to grind out your legendaries and all that. Everything is bare minimum.

Really I don’t get it. Leveling in wow is actually pretty fun. It’s the systems at level cap that make me just log out of an alt that hits 60.


I know we don’t really communicate anymore because we both decided not to but this post from you deserved another like because really it’s true. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Yup, unfortunately I have leveled 8 alts through the threads of fate, and just doing open world quests, basically following the quest lines and have a pattern I follow. Closer to 45 min to an hour. I even made a post two patches ago when they bumped up the npc strength, because I noticed it that badly.

I am leveling a character now, and I am up to 59. At level 59 it requires 353,410 worth of exp. 9K exp for regular quests, and 18,200 for the Bonus Objectives. I can’t see getting that in 15-20 minutes.

And that is including the nice chunk of exp when you complete the “Aid the…” quests for each covenant.

The level of the boost is irrelevant.

What matters is does it get you to:

  • The start of the expansion so you can level through it. This is ideal when an expansion is new.
  • The end of the expansion level so you can do the later patch content and are also ready for whatever the next expansion is.

The number attached is not relevant. What is relevant is that it lets you skip to the top level with $ instead of with time played. “Time is money”, as they say. You pay to save your personal time.

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But are you getting your money’s worth . Paying the same price for less stuff does not seem wise.

ikr? boosts don’t even cost that much in FF XIV. mind you, they’re class specific, but still. $60 is a LOT to skip up to at the absolute most, 59 lvls. .-.

for many, its past the point of being “too late”. my love of WoW has bore some cracks over the years with content, but these changes and the attitude towards paying customers they’re showing…its not just one crack too many, its a crack that’s run too deeply.

feel free to use one in my honor then. i don’t plan on using one any time soon really. the most i’ll do, is log in during Pilgrim’s Bounty for the cooking recipes…i may level up cooking and i may just say “its not worth the stress and anixety” and just log off once i’ve gotten them purchased.

yeah, i wanted to wait till Endwalker before buying a jump potion, but decided to take part in the sale they’ve got going on. i may end up boosting a White Mage early next month though…still not sure though.

Pay $60 and skip 17 years of content!!

What about all of those level 50 boosts I already paid for this expansion?

How do you think that makes me feel?

Each level has no value at all. What has value is getting you to either the beginning of an expansion, or the end of the expansion (max level). What that level is does not matter. If max level if 5 and you can boost to 5 then you get your value - in that you are buying a max level char.

Welcome to 2014!

I honestly don’t like Boosts, esp after the Level Squish and rapid leveling speed on Retail, but we have had these a long time.

It is all about what your time is worth. Do you want to level yourself, or pay $60 to skip that and spend your free time elsewhere? For people with limited time, it may be attractive. For others, it may not be worth it so they don’t buy one.

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$60 is the price of most brand new games.

I think it’s absurd the boost is that price.


I agree. To each their own with their money; yet I believe it reinforces a pattern, although not large, of being able to pay to win.

While the money may not directly be purchasing top level gear, it greatly enhances the speed at which it could be acquired.

Not when it takes such short time to lvl now . So by your saying " the ends justify the means" .

Geez, I thought you were just joking so I googled and nope… you’re serious.

$60 is too much

This is why the Captain Grimm videos are so on point…Dear Payers…I mean Players.

Yeah, that is the far bigger issue. People from my friends list come back, but they never stay for more than a few days. Things have changed way too much for folks to stick around. The other thing that keeps them from sticking around is that they come and go one or two at a time, so a quorum of the “old gang” isn’t there. Maybe if they are lucky one or two folks are around from their friends list.

Just too many of the social ties have been dissolved over the years. Things have changed, people have moved on. It is just different now.

Another reason people don’t stick around for long is that it isn’t a world anymore. It’s a game, and it’s ok as a game, but it isn’t a world.