Jump Back into Action with the New Level 60 Character Boost

Normally they include this info. Odd they didnt

They also always have video explaining all it comes with

What item level do you start at? Do we know?

60 bucks? TAKE MY MONEY …i leveled a 2nd toon from 50-60…ya i will be more then happy to buy a 60 at this point lol ( well to boost my other lvl 50s that i use to play but havent cause of the level slog)

Id like to know too

My friends are playing old content. Or have quit.


Why are you defending this?

Every time someone complains about heirloom gear removing xp bonus, they get shot down with the same “leveling is faster than ever” non-sense.

I guess it wasn’t fast enough for Blizzard?


$60 is really steep. It should be like $20.

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Making leveling something many players feel is an intolerable slog and then putting an item in the cash shop to leapfrog ahead is merely a convenience for those who wish to pay. It is only coincidentally a pay to win mechanic used by every pay to win game.

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I know that companies are greedy that not new but to say " we want new people to get to end game fast it will only cost you money to do it" and that’s OK because that what companies do. Ever hear of inflation that what happen when people get greedy.

You guys are hilarious. Rather than bringing up why a level 60 boost could be bad for the game you jump to corporate greed.

Why not bring legitimate arguments on how you could make the game better? The WoW community can never agree on anything.

Next time you go to Starbucks and buy a $.10 coffee for $4 you should tell them to stop the corporate greed.

I will do anything not to be sent to the MAW ever again. Will I be able to visit that 9.2 new morris zone by any chance?


Just maybe

Make the leveling part, not make me want to KMS. Letting me get to 50 without having to touch BfA was a good move in that direction, boosts are bad for the game’s health.

Like when the solution to not finding people in LFG was to make sure you couldn’t do another one depending on the xpac you picked, but why do any of that when I can just buy a max level or near max level character?

If leveling is a chore and people don’t like it, make it better, don’t just leave it there and give people PAY TO SKIP/WIN options. The store from a player stance has been nothing but awful.

I’ve done that. I’ve suggested all sorts of systems of in-game training and tutorials to help players learn their class and learn how to do dungeons and raiding at their own pace and without inconveniencing anyone else.

You know what happens? Maybe one person agrees with me. The rest be like, “How dare those new players get help! If they deserved help they’d already be elite! Those people who were just learning to move their character across the screen yesterday are just plain lazy that they haven’t got a ksm, aotc, and a full friends list of elite players begging to help them today! Screw new players. The game is better off without them!”

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Youre not wrong.

The real problem is that its only really good from 50 (48) to 60… everything before it is a slog ESPECIALLY if youre trying to coordinate with a max level player helping you.

My inherent laziness is warring with my completionism at finishing leveling my toons. I have to say though they’ve made leveling in Torghast so easy (especially for Druids LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL) that it’s fairly weighted against using the boost.


Boost them selfs are not bad charging alot ( in my opinion) is what’s bad when char. We’re 110 lvl and charged $60.00 now half that lvl and charged same is what I have problem with and I get my coffee at gas station near me $1.00 for a medium cup thank you.

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That coffee is still marked up 10x

Going to be on the side of this is a waste. I have a leveling char and its been a blast. Of late LFD has me in many older dungeons to actually enjoy my play time.

Last night was wod, wrath and even cata dungeons. A fun mix as I dump out to quest in legion between pops. Actually enjoying my time on this leveling character.

We don’t need 60 boosts. we need…chromie time to 60. to replace the hell that is necrotic wake and plaguefall damn near the whole way 50 through 60. maybe you get a TS or 2.

Maybe but what isn’t anything you buy is allways mark up .

IIRC from past boosts, you will probably get a chest of around korthian gear level items.

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