Jump Back into Action with the New Level 60 Character Boost

Come on - we gave you new hairstyles in 9.1.5, now you owe us! Buy a cat and a level 60 boost for just under $100. Come on do it - we’re running out of money to make 9.2 !


It might not be new but it is stupid to spend $60 for ten lvls .


I agree but thats not what this is for man. Thats NEVER been who they are for. Its for new players joining to play with current players. Its also for people who want say a 60 mage and dont have a mage. So they would rather dop 60 bucks than level one

I think ILvL ~250 or so would be good. With all Legendaries and other goodies unlocked. Renown 80 too.

At a minimum…



Also, y’all realize this is an optional service, right? You are acting like this is required. Jesus.

If people want to spend money to skip questing, that’s their right. It’s not like it takes a long time to reach 60, but people with not much time to play might wanna play more than one character, which is where these come in handy.

Sincerely, someone who has never bought a boost. (The boosts I have are the free ones from expansions)

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I doubt it, but i hope this service will be on sale next week during the anniversary.

People are just being stupid. They think this is a service for current players with level 50s and think its stupid to pay 60$ for 10 levels. I agree but thats not who boost are intended for.

Its so my brother who hasnt played wow since BC and jump right in with me or so I can have a 60 pally without having to level one and start working on Cov stuff right away


Buying a boost doesnt clear quests for you. It just yeets you to the level you bought. So even if you boost to lv.60, you still gotta do the main story of Shadowlands.

Exactly. It works on level 1 characters. If you use your boosts on an established character, that’s silly.

I’ve used ONE of my boosts from expansion purchases. ANd it’s because deleting my warrior and using the WoD boost on a new warrior was cheaper than buying a rename for the original warrior, cause I had the boost for free, lol.

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Does it come with a leggo and maxed conduits?

Those will take orders of magnitude more effort than getting to 60.

Yea the " new players" is allways the argument for when they want more money :moneybag:.

Bold of you to assume I still have friends playing, Blizzard.


This oh so much…

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WHy is this a shock to you? a Business whos literal Job is to make money wanting more $$? The hell you say?

Every single company out there wants more money their job is to make money. What do you think companies do? Their job it to pump out products and make profit. Did you think Blizz was nonprofit? lol

Bingo, now that’d be useful information to have included in the post. What exactly do you get!

It’s GD. Being outraged over nothing new is what it’s known for.

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Ah the I cut out the part that I don’t like to make my argument sound good the rest is ’ fake news’ .

I get paid at the end of the month. Boost, here I come.

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Companies exit to make as much profit as possible. Thats their goal. You seem to have no concept of Capitalism. I hate to tell ya this but unless you live in the Iceland? you live in a capitalist country. Im not defending them or telling you to buy a boost. A new boost is added every xpax. It should be expected at this point. Boost make them money. They sould want to sell them

So the sit there and say that pot is black! Yeah we know its a pot its suppose to be

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