July 15 / 2024 I can't log in

That just put an image on my head that made me burst out laughing. thank you for that.

please limit server problems to my working hours, i can forward you my schedule if needed maintenance/tech support dept.
thx in advance


Having the same issue, I can get to the character page but I get 80% loaded into the world and crash out.

someone rolled a one on connecting to the server and brought down the whole game with it.

I didn’t even notice but wow there does seem to be lots of us in here.

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Same here. I also had a rough time logging into the forums to even type this lol. Had to switch to Chrome instead of Firefox.

Same for me

+1 to the issue

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how long till we see a blue post about this unexpected server disruption?

Also cant log in. Gets to 90% and dcs.

This message sponsored by the Gnomeregan Shadow Goverment.

Same issue. I get to the character select screen, and no matter what character I choose (logged out in different zones, Remix or regular characters) it starts loading in but never finished and then I get kicked to the login screen with a Reconnect button.

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I’m having the same problem.

we will see a green post for all of us to check our connection in about 3 hours from now

Honestly, no surprise AT ALL. This game is always broken on a day off of work. 100% consistent for 2 decades. I swear I turned on the pc & thought well, day off, lets see that WoW cant even be played. Like clockwork. But here, fine, take my money. loL

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Same issue here

looks like a bunch of servers down!

Same here, happened just now.

Same issue - wow51900319 - multiple characters.

Same here, Stormrage

Same for me, can’t log in. I guess I’ll go mow the lawn. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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