Judgement dispel

Ret in my solo shuffle dispelled an average of 15 times in each game with judgement… more than all the healers, and its all my dots. it sucked

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They should just give it an ICD tbh


I watched a game last night with Pikaboo as a ret paladin and his dispel’s Details said he dispelled flame shock 53 times and frost shock 13 times in 1 3v3 game vs a elemental shaman. Imo that’s way too much and needs to be looked at.

The issue is that it is a Paladin ability, no one was talking about that before the rework, it is not a new ability, it is an issue now because Ret is not a free kill anymore.

Plenty of classes with stronger abilities like lock aplified curse of weakness, but that is ok i guess…


Waaaait, so a shaman can purge something from an enemy anytime they want.

But a paladin can’t do the same? LOL

Le gasp!


Its almost like the class uses a spell to become…immune to cc’s. Hmmm.


Yeah, pvp streamers pushing for Rets nerf, what a surprise…

They already did it with Rets burst, must destroy what is left…


It dispels magic from teammates. It’s not an offensive dispel. Do you even know what the ability does, or did you just come here to mindlessly defend ret?

As a spec, Ret is in a much better place after the nerfs to damage and passive healing, but having access to Sanc, BoP, and Judgement dispel (on top of their other utility) is a little much.


This talent is reverse magic on steroids and it’s passive.


Can affliction locks kill rets outright then? Three UAs into divine toll?

I have a L70 paladin that I play as well.

I don’t think it’s a problem for rets to have a dispel, I think it’s a problem that it is passive with high frequency. I have the ability to look at things from other classes’ point of view since I play every class.


Yea ret passively removing entire specs dmg by doing its rotation is not cool.


Yes they can, especially since our self healing was nerfed.

Tbh deserved, Blizz went so long without fixing ele one shots.

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Purge can remove beneficial magical spells from enemies.

Judgment can remove negative magical self from allies.

Having acces to Sanc/Bop-BoSW/Judgment are all PVP focus related. you need to talent those in where as Purge doesn’t take a pvp talent.

If we take BoSW Bop goes on CD anytime we use it.

A lot of fluff arguments from classes that have historically had a lot more CC than ret, and CC imunity.

Ain’t that the truth.

What if it was made to only dispel magical roots?

speaking of which double purge from shammy should be removed too


It being random is a problem i can agree, maybe give Ret a reliable dispel thn, but most people don’t really want Ret to have this option, they just want it remove as of any other unique mmechanic the spec has.

Yeah they have to press 3 globals now instead of 1, poor rets