Joyous Journeys please

Please in the name of the light bring back Joyous Journeys EXP buff. Please consider making this a permanent buff on your account if you have a max level character. It promotes leveling alts and helps the game.




This buff was a cancer to the game. People that say it “helps the game” don’t know what they’re talking about.


Your inflammatory reply is about what I expect on here tbh.

It helps by making it slightly quicker to level alts, thereby increasing player engagement and playtime by allowing more alts for endgame. There are two reasons right off the top of my head, Mr Smarty Pants omegalul


Bring Joyous Journeys time two.


Agreed, people who claim it “harms the game” just feel the need to gatekeep, there’s zero reason to keep the leveling slog as slow as it was the first time, while I enjoyed the first time, the next times just feel awful, we’ve already been there, done that, don’t need to spend just as much time on the same stuff just to get an alt up.

I’ll never understand why people feel the need to complain so much about minor QoL changes, game’s already got a LOT to do without just leveling up, leveling up quicker isn’t going to break anything. In the end people just want the rest to deal with the slog, classic purists, elitism and crap like that, and 9 times out of 10 their only responses are flaming those who dare speak against them, but as far as I can remember that’s how these forums have always been.


They did add it to the game permanently between tbc and wrath. They reduced the amount of xp required to get to max level by half. But because you do not have a little icon on your screen that tell you this you refuse to level and now want more.

They made it permanent again would result in the exact same scenario. “ I WaNt MoRe Jj oVeR 5000% plz”

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how does it harm it? explain

If you don’t want the buff, you could always remove it for your characters… I’m not sure how other players leveling faster is bad for the game. Please explain.


I agree…bring JJ back! It assists altoholics without detracting in any way from the game for those who choose to disable it. I’ve yet to here one substantial reason why it’s a negative for the game.


“Guys a buff that lets you play the game LESS increases player engagement :crazy_face:”

Are you pretending to be blind? Try taking a glance at my post. I made about 100 different arguments why it’s negative for the game. Here I’ll give you an easy one: IT WASN’T IN THE ORIGINAL GAME AND BLIZZARD ISN’T COMPETENT ENOUGH TO IMPROVE A PERFECT EXPANSION

Actually, if people’s play styles is just leveling alt after alt, making it faster to do so may have the opposite effect.

Well if your paradigm about Classic is #nochanges, then I DO agree that the substance of being against JJ has merit in that context. But that’s wholly subjective, and I still do not agree that it has any merit towards “wrecking” the game. I would argue that having this available to people while YOU perhaps disable it at an Inn, has no adverse effect.

Or are you racing someone to max level so it makes that unfair? Are you worried at max level that lowB’s are going to suddenly steal your raid spot once they unfairly ding max faster than expected, and in scrub gear?

Nothing to comment on your scream, I’m not Blizzard schill…I just think that there are WAY bigger issues to yell about.

A toggle button doesn’t mean Blizzard should have free reign to keep adding stupid changes to the game. Wrath was perfect. Leave it alone and stop trying to “fix” it.

Complete strawman fallacy. Rewarding the mentality that playing the game = bad and that players should play the game less, and things should be faster and more convenient is exactly one of the main reasons retail is a horrible game. Classic doesn’t need to be made worse by adopting retail “convenience and instant gratification” mentality.

…What are you talking about?

pleasee bring back joyous journey… for the rest of the expansion!


How is this even a discussion haha like what.

Anyone who says JJ is bad for the game is delusional .

Leveling is not the main source of content in wrath.

Get more real players to 80 so theres more groups and community .

Oh and Ban bots that we report thx


Blizzard has free reign to change whatever they like in their game. The market, conversely, has free reign to accept those changes or walk away.

Well, it wasn’t really a straw man insofar as it wasn’t offered as any sort of argumentative proof…it was asked as a question, and somewhat rhetorically, at that. People are not always logical, and I was asking to see if your disdain for JJ was just because you just feel you no likey.


You don’t have to answer of course, but do you see that when you imply that it wrecks the game, particularly in a feature you can completely disable, that others equally subjectively disagree; and their support of JJ is not to play the game less, but often to play the game MORE. Yes I shouted. tsk tsk :wink:

Yeah and I have free reign to call them idiots and tell off anyone encouraging them to make more stupid decisions. Go figure.

Which the point of that question being non-existent outside of trying to posit a strawman fallacy.

Caps lock is for emphasis not because I’m shouting.

No it’s so they can get more lvl 80s because they can’t be bothered to put the time into playing the game at the original pace that wrath gave us… which makes one wonder why they’re playing classic if they hate aspects of wrath so much.

I hate to pick-and-choose, because it’s easy to equate that with intellectual dishonesty…but the rest is really somewhat irrelevant to the issue of JJ.

I think your argument of ‘can’t be bothered’ is misplaced. For some, sure that might be true. They want to install the game and jump into end-game. But for many others, it’s because (like me) they like alts and want to experience the game with more windows into it, not just one that took an age to max.

Consider this…have you ever advocated for “negative JJ”? What I mean is, have you ever advocated that Blizz make levelling LESS quick than OG LK? I assume not. But I mean, why not? Does not doing so mean you can’t be bothered to level properly, just wanting more 80’s, since levelling is faster at normal speed than it would be if JJ was -50%? My point (again somewhat rhetorically) is that JJ is not really “fast”, just fastER…and your objection MIGHT just be subjective bias. JJ is still laughably nowhere near retail.

Actually… no you don’t, but I would love to watch you exercise your “free reign”.

Begin anytime you’re ready.

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