Joyous Journeys needs to stay

+1 to keeping Joyous Journeys. I know it’s a meme to say this but work and real life keeps me from playing more than a couple hours a week. I just got back into WoW ~2 weeks ago because my brother asked me to play classic with him, I got to 28.

I’ve cancelled my sub. I hope Blizzard reconsiders, if not, the 28 levels was definitely worth the $15!

Have fun in wrath everyone!

add it back plz, at least til outlands

You don’t remember correctly, Wrath only has 25% xp worth of Heirlooms, 5% of which are from the fishing tournament, and the XP potions are from MoP.

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honestly, yeah
I was leveling up with a friend and the pace was really pleasant, we could feel real progress every day and it was chill
now we aren’t sure if we wanna keep going or call it quits and play on mains


50% more xp would be the equivalent of cutting xp required by 1/3rd, not half, but yeah, same diff

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I kinda liked it. It didnt make the content stupidily ez nor made me feel i was going too fast. I would be down for the removal of heirloom exp and give passive 50/60% exp

it wasnt an argument doofus lol it was a statement.

no it does not

that would be great. i’ve leveled 1-70 so many times at this point, it’s old. the xp buff added a nice pace.

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At this point, I could level to 60 again at normal speed if it was on a normal Classic server, because the slow pace of the game is built around the 1-60 ecosystem, so gear matters more, professions matter more, etc.

But on WOTLK Classic? No thanks, I just want to zip through the zones I like on the way to 80. I definitely don’t want to level without the buff, then grind out a full set of Heirlooms like other people are suggesting.

No justification. Just a snooty comment.

Not sure if it’s been suggested, but I’d like to see a permanent ‘joyous journeys’ specifically for alts. It would only unlock for those with at least one character at level cap, and would replace the “rested” mechanic.
Just my 2cp

I don’t understand why choice is a bad thing. Don’t like JJ? Turn it off at an innkeeper. Don’t like RDF? Don’t use it and run with friends and guildies. Why is shoving everyone into one box a good thing?

disagree. A crap ton of players returned to classic during launch…A ton of these players are now in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s age wise…

WE have jobs, kids, families etc…We just do not have time to level standard way anymore…

A normal person with a job, family etc…without getting divorced…would take months to get to lvl 80 now…maybe longer.

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I’d be happy if they let me pay $50 more than once to skip the grind.

1-70 zone is a ghost town now :frowning: