Joyous Journeys leaving feels terrible

Did you say that in your post? Nope. Just keep up the cope.

Doesn’t matter if I said it or not, you made the wrong assumption and won’t back down. You know it doesn’t make sense to call it “a catchup mechanic” in the context of a fresh server, but the closest you will admit to being wrong is “No you were wrong you didn’t say you were on a fresh server”. lol.

I never once mentioned fresh servers. How can i admit to being wrong about calling it a catchup mechanic when that’s literally what it was designed for.

Because you are replying to someone on a fresh server, saying the XP buff is a catchup mechanic.

All you have to say is “Oops, I was wrong, sorry”, but that’s not your style, that’s how you end up with 600+ forum posts.

It is, you’re in a circular spin out buddy.

Says the person arguing in bad faith from someone they assumed was on a TBC server, now realizes they aren’t, but still calls it a “Catchup mechanic”.

You basically missed out on a niche blizzard put up for a while then took away.

That’s literally the take away of the story.

I’d say it’s GG.

Talking about it further is pointless

Funny you use the phrase “missed out”, thanks for proving my original post right lmao.

The joyous journey buff is a catchup mechanic. As stated by blizzard themselves. One day you’ll be able to understand reality. Goodluck.

In the context of TBC servers, you are right and the Blizzard quote applies. But I’m on a fresh server, so you are wrong.

What does it matter?

Wether you are correct or incorrect, the buff isn’t here anymore.

Because the ENTIRE point of this post was the limited time nature of the buff doesn’t jibe with the slow paced relaxing nature of Classic.

The fact that you said I “Missed out” and don’t see the irony in proving me right is hilarious.

Okay. Let’s agree that it doesn’t make sense then.

What changes now? Nothing.

We can attribute this to another dumb senseless decision blizzard makes all the time.

no, everything I said still applies lol. You just don’t like that answer. Allowing fresh server players to catch up with live servers before wotlk launches. It’s not rocket science.

And YOU talk about moving the goal posts.

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It’s the exact same thing. Catchup….wait for it….mechanic.

You honestly think I’m going to believe that you were referring to new servers catching up to TBC servers this whole time?

Just 10 minutes ago you said I never mentioned fresh servers.

You are just a stubborn forum troll that knows they are wrong but still wants the last word.

I didn’t but heres the thing about critical thinking. You can understand how things happen with the information in front of you. When blizzard gives fresh servers the catchup mechanic buff, it’s not hard to figure out why. But if you can post blizzard saying something differently please do.

Every time you used the phrase “catchup mechanic”, you were referring to new players catching up with already leveled 70s.

But after I hounded you enough, you changed your tune and said its to catch up new servers to old servers, something that makes ZERO sense. But you are stubborn and want the last word. Watch, you will reply again.

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What is your goal for this thread?