Joyous Journeys leaving feels terrible

What I love about Classic compared to retail is playing at my own pace, but the limited time window to level with an XP buff has ruined that for me.

Since I don’t have time to level while the buff is up, it’s essentially an XP DEBUFF for the rest of Classic.

Just keep the buff permanently for 1-70, the last thing WOTLK Classic needs is FOMO game design that makes you feel bad for not playing constantly.

EDIT: Sorry everyone, this style of aggressively pedantic circular arguing was an attempt to get a thread going on the WOTLK Classic forums which are pretty busy right now with all the talk of Heroic+.

But I accidentally posted to the normal WoW Classic forums. I probably should have noticed earlier since there were very few genuine replies amidst the arguing.

Basically I was yelling at a volume appropriate for a busy nightclub at what turned out to be a library.


The buff was a catchup mechanic brother. The majority of players leveled without it, i believe you can too.

With that being said, if they do add it permanently, thats cool too.

Ya, I did, back in Vanilla, no desire to put that amount of time into the game again. If Joyous Journey’s is gone, so am I.

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Tbc is a reduced leveling experience, and wotlk is an even greater reduction from 60-70. I’m sorry you dislike leveling so much, but if you keep rerolling it comes with the territory.


It isn’t about leveling fast, it’s about the entire experience of leveling. I don’t think you understand what cutting the XP buff is going to do to the leveling scene. It’s going to be a ghost town, you won’t be able to do elite quests or dungeons while leveling.

EDIT: Don’t bother responding, you have 600 forum posts and your name is “Kekbot”, you are a hostile and toxic forum troll and I’ll read nothing else you have to say.

Im well aware, it’s a big reason I believe rdf should be in the game. But this will also happen regardless at some point. Joyous journey isn’t creating new players on an infinite loop. Once the majority are done leveling the open world dies. As I said I have no issue with it, but I know that heirlooms are about to be in the game thus creating an influx of alts.


Didn’t read a word you said, thanks for the bump.

Unless you plan on leveling at some super awkward time period, or are on a dead server, it’s unlikely to be a ghost town. That said, it’s faster than vanilla by a large margin even without the buff.

It’s definitely going to be a ghost town. No one wants to level with an XP debuff.

That’s not true.

It’s definitely true. That’s too large of an XP buff to forget about. You can’t close Pandora’s Box.

If you think people are going to slog through ghost town zones while everyone else is in Northrend, you are mistaken.

Simple minded whiner hates reality. Enjoy the last 30 days of your sub.


You call me a whiner, but your main form of social interaction is refreshing the WoW forums and replying negatively to any new post.

Are you familiar with the concept of irony?

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removing joyous journeys would be a big L


I clicked through a couple new posts while waiting for a response, all of them had you replying negatively. Nothing ironic here, stop learning words from Alanis Morrissette songs.

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Wrath leveling will be easy, but the hard part is learning to budget skill purchases and saving for your mount, which is at 20? I think it’s still 30.

Thats weird, shouldn’t you be leveling?

The entire point of this post flew over your head. You probably use Questie and don’t read quest text. You can’t comprehend someone that actually enjoys this game.

I like relaxing and playing this game at my own pace, a few hours a week. Nowhere in me is a desire to rush to endgame to do WOTLK content that was never removed in the first place.

It’s the EXACT OPPOSITE of a catchup mechanic if you are on a fresh server. The people that level in the 3 week window get to level with a buff, everyone that comes after levels slower.