I levelled my dwarf to 120, finally, anmd I have a Dark Iron I’m levelling (61 atm) and I was wondering how to join this community of dwarfy goodness?
They’re best served extra drunk and slow roasted. Rotisserie style. The beer in their blood helps bring out the flavor.
I typed in mead hall in the search bar The Mead Hall - Dwarf RP Community - #67 by Rufaic-wyrmrest-accord
Hey Nakhu! There’s a few ways to get in.
Firstly, you can use the community link in here to join the in-game community without needing someone to accept your request.
Secondly, you can reach out to my discord (which is also in that post) and I’ll get you into the Mead Hall discord.
Or, you can look us up on the in-game community finder thing under Roleplaying. You’ll have to wait for someone to approve your request, though, so make sure to mark in the request “It’s Nakhu” or something like that - we’re near the cap on members, so we can’t always accept every request.
If you have any issues, just message me through any of those routes or I’ll check in on this forum later. See you in the Hall!
Thank you very much.