Join my delusion!

She knows!!!

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Can a Robot do this?

:no_good_man: :ok_man: :no_good_man:


Are you a robot? Is flesh nothing more than programmable biomolecular machinery? Are nerves nothing more than the electrical wires of a faulty living construct?

Are you, are we not all, robots in a sense?


. . . why?

Void elves were a thing back in Legion. They get their power from the void which is not a part of the Shadowlands.

So why wouldn’t void elves exist if the shadowlands didn’t exist?

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To be honest the people saying they want robots to serve them and better humanity sound a lot like parents saying “I want kids so I can have someone to serve me”!


Grabs the “How to serve Man” Cookbook


First you must trap your man.

Use a cozy couch with a sandwich and beer next to it, then have a sign that says uninterrupted naps inside. Place the whole thing under a cage propped up with a stick. Lie in wait until trap is full.

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Lol…you know, I had to do that once years ago in our pen and paper RPG campaign, lol
I was running a Middle Earth campaign…it had been going on for YEARS at this point.
One of our friends was in the army and gets out. He wants to run something himself so I let him with the understanding that anything he did HAD to fit Middle Earth history…so keep it small and unnoticeable.

Omg…he has Sauron portal into Rivendell and literally trash the entire place. lol.

The next time, I ran and the first order of business was to tell everyone they had had some kind of mass dream and it never actually happened. Must have been some bad Elven waybread or something, lol

that all said to say,…Im absolutely on board if they want to remove SL content and pretend it was just some rancid meat we all ate, lol

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New delusion: world peace can be achieved after we hunt down all rich people and trap them in the matrix.

Yes, exactly!

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close enough , we had a pandemic derived from a chinese bat

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I knew I loved them for a reason

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