Join my delusion!

The events of Shadowlands were set in motion when we killed Kel’thuzad’s cat in Naxxramas. Enraged, he sought revenge.


His motive is justified, I too love my domesticated floof overlord.


Wait, if you ate the mushroom then are we real? :robot::sweat_drops:

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As real as Bigfoot!


Void elves are just night elves that whined too much and shrank because they couldn’t be blood elves.

i am alive and have a brain. some people don’t hate me and even like me. i am not horrible. i have a reason to live. this thread wasn’t created to make me sadder.


Someday there will be an item that I will get and that will be enough. Nothing new and shiny will immediately catch my eye.

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Ok, I’m back and stuck at work again. I request more silly responses to amuse me during the workday.

Thank you for whatever you can supply.

If you’re going to have delusions, you may as well go for the really satisfying ones. Well done!

Oh yes, my delusion — Elune is actually a sentient Peterbilt tractor trailer with delusions of grandeur.

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As you wish…

Finds some “lava” and lets it cool down as a snackrifice.

Mecha Void Naga Hogger is the final boss of Warcraft. When we killed him in Elwynn, it was Hogger Who Remains.

All villains and heroes are just variants of Hogger.

Elune is just a robot on the moon.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


Any choice you pick on a Talent Tree is the right choice!

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All right, two Elune theories. Anyone got a third?

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Bravo, considering Blizzard that is a true delusion!

Edit: Elune is Tunuere from EverQuest after she was killed by the players.


This is a common one I’ve heard-Everything since the events of Bfa has been a dream (an eternal one) caused by the victory of N’zoth. I mean he did spend the entire expansion saying we would be put into an eternal dream in Nyalotha.

And assuming you completed the gift of N’zoth questline you were already corrupted by his power.

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But why would he put us into the Shadowlands if he wanted to convince us we were not in a dream?

It makes no sense! At least maintain the illusion with something realistic like a random attack from space.

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Life, Life is my delusion. Reality but a figment, consciousness a cosmic prank of the senses.

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His quest to drive all things mad I guess lol

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Everyone, but myself on this forum is a robot.

Prove me wrong

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


Okay Spongbob.