Johnathan Staats

WoWhead says there supposed to be a fishing quest associated with this character. I have fishing at 25 and no quest shows up. Has it been removed, and if so why?

What version of Darkshore are you in? There’s two versions, the original and the battle for Azeroth invasion map.

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I never used Chromie time and I refuse to do Dragon Isles until I complete all the older material. I love leveling :slight_smile: Basically, I’m doing all the older Xpacs in a row.


What version of Darkshore are you in? What is the name-realm of the character having the problem?


Not sure what you mean by version. If you mean battles taking place, there are none. Never spoke to anyone to change the timeline. I’m in Lord’arl (spelling) with Malfurion and that tornado.

Some commenters on Wowhead also recommended completing other quests before Johnathan Staats will make their quest available to you.

You appear to have one of them in your quest log. Maybe try finishing that. :slight_smile:


Ah ha!! Makes sense. Thank you! :slight_smile: Will try right now and post back so others can see if this works.

Make sure to grab a snack and a movie, it’s a long fishing grind!

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This worked!! Thank you!!

So this is the fix for anyone else encountering this.

I like fishing…sometimes…I’m in the mood today. Laid back sipping coffee listening to music on a sunny morning. :slight_smile:
