JJ just isnt enough. We need RDF

You probably should have picked a bigger server.

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thats not a valid argument in any way shape or form. ‘oh your server sucks. therefor you should be denied access to the game that you pay 15 dollars a month for when a tool exists to make this a complete non-issue’

youve been playing classic wow too long. other games do not have this problem in the year 2022 including retail wow


Atiesh Alliance-side has over 11K unique characters logging raids. That’s pretty much a mega-server.


You aren’t denied access. Argument over. You should really put more effort into your points, but then again you don’t put effort into getting a group either.

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So what you’re saying is that he’s just anti social and no one likes him enough to run dungeons with him?

Harsh, but ok.

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You ignore the fact that LFG isn’t cross realm and therefore while leveling, dungeons are far far more sparse than you think, go make a fresh level 10 and see for yourself instead of playing your boosted 70 and leveled to 80 toon.


Unique characters is not the same as unique players.


Sure, but that’s still almost double my server’s unique characters and almost 4 times my faction’s!

And our server is locked.

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The point is that you can’t use Ironforge.pro to gauge population and activity.

If there are 11K unique characters, even if every one of them is raiding on 3 toons, that’s still a lot of people playing on that server.

I wouldn’t consider a population of 3,600 to be a mega-server.

I’m not saying that a server has to be a mega-server to have a lot of people playing on it; nor am I even saying that I think mega-servers are healthy.

Seems like you believe it’s a mega-server.

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Indeed! It seems like the OP is on a relatively over population server.

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Given our conversation, your population breakdown, this wouldn’t be a mega-server by any means.

Well, I suppose it depends on the threshold for what constitutes a mega-server.

Grobbulus shows about 23K unique characters logging raids. I believe it to be a mega-server. If you look at either faction individually on Grobb, they are showing around 11K and 12K.

Regardless, 11K unique characters logging raids is a lot of people playing on that server.

No, it’s a lot of CHARACTERS raiding - since one person could have about 10 80s, that’s ONE player playing 10 characters.

This is why we need RDF, just because you have 23k unique characters doesn’t mean those characters are logged in doing anything, reality is, your pop is most likely like 3-5k at any given time.


Are you suggesting that there are a significant number of players on Atiesh who are raiding on 10 characters, and the actual number of active raiders is around 1K?

I can’t confirm or deny the exact numbers. What I CAN confirm is that it is common sense to understand that players have multiple 80s these days, and will raid on all of them if they can.