Jin’yu allied race leaked?

I would cry tears of joy for Jinyu. I’ve wanted them since MoP.

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Hopefully we can finally get Ankoan/Kelfin.


I wold rage for years if they FINALLY gave me gilgoblins and put them on Alliance. Like you’d never hear the end o it and it wouldn’t make any sense.

Oof, swing and a miss.

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“The Many” are just LGBT-people from the Blood Elf community, on their own rage-induced quest to not lose their High Elf identity. Hardly worth mentioning. Let’s move on.

My “projection” rings truth. The Horde suffers only story-wise but this can be neglected due the bad writing in general. But if Alliance-players have to suffer consequences for their personal choice, then the system has failed. That’s why we’re moving into this new direction. The game has collapsed.

Alliance = Main Characters of World of Warcraft. Without them no cosmic dangers, no big events.

They need everything mentioned, including good races and even better racials. Bring the Alliance back into the light. I’m bit tired of Horde-domination through and through, it makes the game stale.


This is a non argument as Jinyu use the night elf rig which the nightborne also use. Plus vulpera might use goblin animations but look and feel very different despite the similarities in skeleton. Also we have four different types of elves, two types of trolls, three types of humans (though one branch does turn furry 90% of the time), two types of tauren, draenei, orcs, and dwarves.


Ah, well I feel that because I raged for a few minutes when they gave Nightborne to horde. The stinkers. They did it so they could basically have night elves on both sides. Idk why they are making character customizations into new races now.


Does anyone have any faith in this? Would be nice.

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spot on :+1:t5::+1:t5::+1:t5:

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Again. This seems to be your own projection.
Hardly worth acknowledging.

Alas yes, lets move on.

I could argue the same to my own, along with many others.

Vise-versa applies.

Not really? Azeroth, along with its lore and list of characters are way bigger than a single faction. To say otherwise is self denial or abundant hubris.

“Better racials” lmao, okay.

As Shadina said —

Now as for -

Well that’s simply one sided. They do not need ‘EvErYtHiNg’ mentioned. Because that’s just arrogant greed.

You’re clearly one of those whom want their own faction to be given a bucket load, and the opposition to be given a droplet and consider that ‘fair’ — and would probably then proceed to do it another several times, using the past as justification to do so, despite how old and outdated it may be or how far the scales have tipped.


Silly elf-player, you haven’t learned a thing by reading me for years now.

I always support the minorities. And the Alliance is a minority who fall from grace. You want a game which treats everyone equally? Then start acting like a decent person and support them.

Seeing that your post only produce counter-arguments - due lack of actual value information - you better get playing during the Anniversary event.

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Pot calling the kettle there. :eyes:

Yeah, cause your past comments really ring out ‘Equality’ … :eyes:

Have been :upside_down_face:

Should take that upon yourself given how it suits, considering that statement is more sensible to be more directed at you than me. :person_shrugging:

To keep things sensible & mature, I guess we’ll simply agree to disagree.


Vicious people can be found everywhere - and the LGBT+ community has no protective umbrella above their heads which encourage them to go after people as they see it fit, regardless if they see it fit to badmouth people because of their “elf agenda” or not. This is not progressive, it’s just abusing the system to vehicle a payback marathon onto the people.

You rather tried but I honor it regardless how many suggestive emotions you put behind a line of text, because it’s the will which counts.

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That’s simply saying “You’re wrong and I’m right but anyway” in a round about matter …

That, we will agree upon.
Although, I feel it favours my case more than yours but I understand you feel vise versa. :person_shrugging:

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Dude this is really inappropriate.
Keep your homophobic opinions out of this thread. It was extremely unnecessary.

You might have said that you

But clearly not lgbt minorities. As youre more than happy to try and weaponise that it seems.

Really not cool.


I never said anything of your claims, it’s your imaginative suggestion that I would not support LGBT-minorities. Read my posting above again and keep your emotional state out because it’s distracting. Appreciated.

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I know exactly what you said and my emotional state is fine thank you.
Reread what you said and think about it. With a bit of luck youll get there.


No, you are simply insecure. You cannot phantom that equality means to treat people the same regardless of status. And this also means to call out bad behavior if certain groups do something wrong. You will never get far in life if you are going to live in a victim complex mentality. The world out there is for everyone to take and seize - not to sully in a corner, waiting for hero to come and rescue anyone. You can only help yourself.

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Nope. Youre just a bigot.
Im done with you. Youre going on ignore.


Then go and continue to run away. One day you’ll realize that this kind of mentality will not do any good for you.

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