Eh ~ Yes and and no.
Many would argue it’s a core aspect of WoW, especially for PVP. That being said, they could certainly let loose a lot more restrictions or simply find other ways to create faction PVP in various zones.
For instance:
Overall FFXIV doesn’t really have a faction system, aside from the 3 ‘The Grand Companies’ however that feels more like a covenant or conditional reputation (eg. Scryers & Aldor) than a ‘faction’ – And FFXIV’s player-versus-player is extremely lacking when in comparison to WoW’s.
With the neglect of the Alliance the whole system collapsed in itself. It’s sad but this happens if the developers favor one faction more than the other.
While I’m all excited for more races to be playable, the more the merrier I say, I’d be very disappointed if they become playable before Tuskarr and Ogres .
The devs haven’t really ‘Favor one faction more than the other’ in an entirety sense for awhile. Also I’d hardly call that neglect. As many have suggested, your consistent ranting & forced idea of ‘Horde bias’ and ‘Alliance neglect’ is relatively subjective, and moreso that of personal-opinion.
Actually, many could even argue the exact opposite with your projection.
Sure there’s things that could be better, absolutely - but the same goes out to Horde.
People could argue the Horde go through warchiefs and faction leaders like a game of Russian Roulette after injecting adrenaline & drinking a triple-shot of coffee - laced with coke, yet the Alliance go virtually untouched in comparison and that’s Alliance bias. Then add that it’s —
“Inexcuseable really”
— However as frustrating as it may be, I know that’s not the case. And that there’s complications & frustrations on both sides.
At this point in time though, I do feel the Alliance could gain more — but not with more races. Moreso with cities, storytelling and giving Night Elves some love in those categories + perhaps giving them a new class or two added to them (Such as Shaman & Paladin).
OMG this. How has Horde not gotten ogres yet. Theyve been a Horde race since the beginning and necer got added to WoW. And dont say they’re too big or whatever, we got Tauren.
I’m not disagreeing with you. I 100% would like beefier dragons. I’m just saying i see why they did it that way. Honestly i dont see much if a difference between the Dracthyr and Demon Hunters so a tank build would be an easy fix.
I’m still hoping they give us an actual dragon to ride instead of the flying lizards we’ve had.
If Naga were to ever become a playable race in the future, i would’ve prefered them to be neutral, and plus it would be more ideal and most likely. Cross your fingers!
There is a very large difference between race heritage armors, and barbershop gear looks for Dracthyr, heritage armors are nice but just another look they can use. Dracthyr barbershop looks are the only looks they can use on the form they are in 90% of the time (anytime in combat, using abilities, basically anytime they are doing anything besides travelling or standing somewhere)