I’ve hopped on a character I have not been on in a while and my Jeeves, which I went through quite a bit to obtain, is missing. My menu bars were all shut off as well - looks like there may have been some sort of reset at some point in the past for the char? My bags did contain items, they weren’t emptied. But I want my Jeeves back. Help…? I can’t find any support topic that matches this issue.
Just to get the elephant in the room out of the way - have you searched your bags with the search tool? Any and all reagent bags, engineering bags, bank bags, void storage, etc.?
Looks like you may have done a gear upgrade back in November.
Did you get your items out of the mail? What I’m finding are some posts similar in nature and the common denominator is after a gear upgrade.
Thank you for your response.
I haven’t touched this character in a while and don’t remember playing with it in November. My bags do have a second set of gear in them which is identical to what the character is wearing, which might indicate such an upgrade - but that would also mean I opened all the mail in question. I am not missing anything else of note - including my old bags, which are in my current bags. But why would my Jeeves be put in the mail? The only thing I’ve ever had yanked out of my possession and mailed to me was gear that was on my character’s “body”.
If it were anything else I’d just grit my teeth and move on, but this thing was a Hell of a lot of work to make and cost plenty of gold.
This is absolutely a shot in the dark, but try and see if it shows up over here in the item restoration? If perhaps it had been mailed to you with the gear, and it didn’t come out of the mailbox - maybe it’ll pop up in the item or mail restoration tools?
Item restoration: https://us.battle.net/support/en/restoration
Mail recovery: https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/wf/wow/463/1674/submitted
Just be mindful that they each incur cooldowns, so I would advise not restoring some other thing you forgot about and then be unable to continue and also grab your Jeeves, if possible.
If neither work? Please pop in and let us know. Speaking personally - I hoard a ton of old mats. I don’t mind helping to shuffle you over what is needed to replace your Jeeves. I too recall the horrific grind just to get the schematic to drop, and then worry about gathering what all was needed back in the day.
I really appreciate the offer - that is very kind.
I had considered those links but I wasn’t yet ready to click on them until I had exhausted all other possibilities for the fear that somehow this would “lock in” the loss somehow.
Update: Tried both links. Item restoration states no items available for restoration, mail recovery states no mail items available for recovery.
Did you search in your toy collection?
Jeeves is not a toy
My bad, probably mixed it with mailbox then
It was worth a shot, at least! I sent over the required mats to the character you’re posting on. Take care and good luck!
I wish it was a toy. I have two engineers but only one has the pattern and I can’t be bothered to farm it again.
Anyway, someone said only the stuff equipped on your character got mailed to you with gear update, but I’m pretty sure it mails everything in my bags when I’ve done it. Am I remembering wrong? Not sure if this helps OP since they have stuff in their bags suggesting they cleared the mailbox - although I definitely have alts that I’ve done multiple gear updates without significant leveling in between. (I have a lot of alts.) So I could have update gear on, update gear in my bags, and another set in the mailbox.
I did, figuring maybe Blizz had converted it, but it’s an inventory item.
You’re not misremembering. It does mail everything to you, on your person or in your bags. Pretty sure it does this since it replaces your bags with your boost.
If I remember, boost mail stays a long time - 180 days? 365? Can’t quite remember. But once those mails are gone, so is everything with it.
I have remnant mail in my inbox that indicates I did a character upgrade 303 days ago, but all that mail had been opened and cleaned out. I also discovered, when I went to make a Jeeves again using the mats the very kind Leilleath sent, that my gnomish army knife was also gone. I am probably missing a number of other things I won’t remember until I need them. So something happened, but I don’t know what. I am pretty meticulous, when I do things like character boosts, to go in and grab everything mailed to me. I just can’t imagine what might have happened.