Jedi/Sith Class?

What class would you say is the closest to whatever you think of when you think of a Jedi? There’s a few class I’d say could work, but I love getting a bunch of opinions and consider things I hadn’t thought of.

So which is your choice? Note, I’m not saying you like it or would play it.

Old Death Knight was pretty much Darth Vader, not sure what it is now.

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Jedi - Paladin.

Sith - Death Knight.


Priest is my first pick, Mind Control, Physic Scream, Shields and Levitate all seem very Jedi like to me.

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/thread :black_small_square:

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Might be on to something

They have force pull and force push


The monk is one I always forget about.

Whatever Class Prince Arthas was.

Paladin isn’t exactly Jedi, they focus on the holy light which isn’t exactly a balance. Jedi would be more like the Monk. DK however is pretty spot on atleast for the more Warrior type Sith. Although DH would be a good choice as well. Warlock would match the caster type if only they was able to do shadow lightning…

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Jedi: Demon Hunter

Sith: Demon Hunter

So what I’m hearing here is that Priest needs a melee spec

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FWIW, the Jedi Knight class in SWTOR is very similar to a Warrior in WoW.

Jedi aren’t exactly balanced either.

It’s still the closest approximation

Yeah, although a elemental Shaman could potentially be seen as the Caster version of the Jedi. They seek a balance as well. a Warrior priest which is discipline specced would probably be jedi like. Paladins though are too focused on holy. A true jedi knows that either direction can breed hatred, and hatred leads to the dark side.

Just give my Priest some lightsabers, I’ll take care of the rest! :rofl:

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Combine Disc Priest, with Monk, give them light sabers and you have a Jedi. Kek

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On the money!

I’m glad you can agree, and with that a bunch of priests decided if they ever allow sub-classes they will be a priest/monk.

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Another vote for DH (mechanically) and…idk Hunters? in lore.

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In a traditional sense of space knights, I would say Priest (Consulars), Paladins (Knights), DKs (also Knights/Sith Warriors), and Combat Rogues (Sentinels).

Now, that being said, if you Really wanted to make a Jedi, then Monk. Some of the original Star Wars team has actually tweeted that if they made a Jedi in DnD they would definitely make a Monk.

And it isn’t hard to see why. Jedi are trained in a monastery, typically wear monk like robes, are very agile and the Force is basically just Chi.