Jedi/Sith Class?

I don’t really want to make one, I was just curious and I like to ask questions that don’t have a clear answer. I love more information.

Jedi’s to me are Battle Mages, so Enhance or Frost seems correct to me. But I love getting more opinions.

Personally, I would never view them as battle mages. The Force is spiritual, not Elemental.

But go each, their own. As long as you are having fun!

So Palpatine was a Monk?

Sith are warlocks and shadow priests. Jedi are holy/disc priests and paladins and monks

Yes and no. Yes, all the stereotypical qualities would lead you to make this determination. But it’s would be too simple and obvious to just say Paladins should be Jedi, and Death Knights should be Sith. There’s just not a lot of fun role playing opportunities in playing a 1-dimensional character, in my opinion.

But the Shaman use spirit to manage the elements

Jedi Knight = Alliance
Lord Sith = Horde

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Non force user: Heeey I thought you were dead?!

Force User: That’s what I wanted you to think…by the way, ‘Hello There’.

Ehhh, it isn’t really the same thing. They are spiritual and have some spirit powers, but they don’t use it to control the elements. The elemental powers are gifts from the elementals themselves.

Oh lord, I’m not doing this one again. Good luck my friend, I just want some battle mage goodness.

Haha. I don’t know what you are referring to, but Shaman will give you the battle mage feel. Take care.

I play SWTOR for my “Sith / Jedi” vibes…

If I had to choose WoW equivalent… idk I honestly can’t :confused: faction wise even is a bit obscured here imo because they flip flop back to noble Horde so often, so even then isn’t a perfect parallel but the closest one to make I guess is just on a faction level but I wouldn’t go so far as to say it lines perfectly either just general color schemes / some minor vibes in common.