Jawbone of Ghostlands - Draconic Master of All - At Your Service

Hi folks, I have a full suite of profession crafters with maxed out crafting trees at your service.

Jawbone-Ghostlands - Alchemist & Engineer
Jadwiga-Ghostlands - Tailor & Jewelcrafting (sorry I don’t have the lariat)
Concordant-Ghostlands - Blacksmith
Braconneur-Ghostlands - Enchanter (this toon knows all three Emerald Dream crests, and the Season 4 of DF crests )
Slickcat-Ghostlands - Enchanter
Ptaszek-Ghostlands - Inscription
Ubuntuzebu-Ghostlands - Leatherworking - if the item that you would like requires the Altar of Decay in BrackenHide Hollow, then pls be prepared to group up to either clear the dungeon together or have an already cleared dungeon for this alt to access

According to DataForAzeroth, my account is #9 for total recipes known on our amalgamated server (Ghostlands-Kael’thas-Gnomeregan-GrizzlyHills-Lothar-Malfurion-Moonrunner-TrollBane etc), so I could very well hook you up with old crafted transmog, toys, pets or mounts.

eg Sandstone Drake