Jaina's character progression discussion

a choice they could not make because she removed their means to accept the choice is not a choice at all.

Jaina literally ice blocked him before he explained his side. Maybe if she bothered to gather more information and didn’t jump to murder she would have made a different decision.

Sure. But I don’t think those shop keepers hid the divine bell under the floor boards.


The choice was given to their leader, who decline on behalf of the entire Sunreaver, so blamd him.

Or Aethas could have accept Jaina’s ultimatum and left the city with his people.

Problem was Jaina did not have time to actually conduct a investigation less something else horrible happens.

I blame Aethas for plenty but thats one of the few things I don’t blame him for.

He’s allowed to give his side, thats called due process. Jaina silenced him, which tells me she made up her mind and was set on mass murder before he even opened his mouth.

She did have time, she just chose not to.

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What would it actully take fir blood elves to get over the purge it is not like any leader in wow is geld accountsble for warcrimes aside from garrosh. Because if you want jaina killed or imprisoned for it then you should extend the sane coyrtecy of punishing war rines to the alliance and hand over the heads of the horde leadership.

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Depends, they are made up of individuals. But we know Lor’themar is willing to team up with Jaina again.

I am more asking about players the purge us treated by blood elf players as equal or greater than arthas destroying silvermoon. So i want to know what they would want to get iver it as in gane outsude of the sun reavers which were likeky a small group no one cares.

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Sounds like mostly a strawman to me. Same as when that Demon Hunter tried to say that. Like, people like Zerde won’t even accept it is at all bad. That is an actual view I see perpetrated. What will get them to accept it wasn’t cool?

If they honestly think the Purge is as bad as Arthas, they are probably beyond hope. But that doesn’t seem like many people, so whatever.

The purge is held up on a pedestal and skways brought up and flaunted as if it was this massive event. It is mostly blood er lves who seem to act like it was sonr kind of genocide over jaina going crazy and killing some blood elves fir stupid reasons.

Also demon hunter was me i was being an over exagerated characture of posters like that.


I mean, it was a pretty big deal. There aren’t a lot of Blood Elves left than there were. I don’t know, I just don’t see people over exaggerate it as much, personally. What I usually suggest in those situations is addressing them directly when noticed.

Thing is we dont knoe hiw many were killed and that is where the loydest outcrues tend to be less ficused on the mass incarceration for years because blizz forgot and more on a possably glitched senario. This then is hrld up as sone great tragety because really was it in the same expansion lorthmar was ready to work with jaina after as mild talking to that makes the purge sound far less of a race scaring event if even the racial leader can sigh and let it go.


Again, you keep making broad generalizations of other peoples’ actions that I just don’t see. I would still suggest you address those comments directly.

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The reason it gets brought up so much is because it’s one of the few times the Alliance has done something really evil. And Alliance players will still bend over backwards to justify racial purging every time it’s brought up.

Obviously Arthas was worse but… he’s dead, he got what he deserved and he’s rotting in the shadowlands. Jaina is here in my face telling me “Lets all get along” it’s dumb.


Horde (Sunreavers) betray the dalaran treaty to commit evil.
Jaina gets angry and demands Sunreavers to leave the city.

They refuse.

Jaina begins arresting all Sunreavers, a political wing of the blood elves in Dalaran, some of whom resist and attack their would be captors.

Others get arrested and sent to the violet hold.
These actions are not ‘evil’, they are sensible.

Jaina’s actions were not borne out of racism or some other prejudice. The Sunreavers have no one to blame but themselves.


It is dumb hell anyways what do blood elf players want the sun reavers are free now to be sylvanas’ loyal minions.

I don’t know if you are using your phone to type but I ask you to please take a moment and use spell check to correct your writing.



I’ve already detailed why Jaina’s actions are evil. She walks through the streets killing people for being Sunreavers with no investigation done and no due process. If you don’t see the problem with that, thats on you.


Well, actually the same can be said about the genocide of the night elves. It only became the narrative after a book called it one. I’m not saying its not one or trying to lessen the impact. It definitely was one (which caused the horde, Sylvanas loyalists included, to get angry).

The main difference is the Horde didn’t get told the purge was one (or Arthas and the Sunwell).

I would love it if blizz would release numbers on both events


Make them percentages of total populations?

For the burning yes but the purge numbers of those killed those captured and those escaped would be nice