Jaina's character progression discussion

Time was of the essence, Jaina did not know exactly how far Garrosh’s reach was and considering Dalaran had plenty of other dangerous objects(like the Focusing Iris) that Garrosh could try to take she did not have the luxury of time.

I’m being a realist. And it was a fairly realistic scenario Garrosh might have been planning other things.

The head of the organization did not act. That was AFTER said organization was a major cause of Theramore’s destruction.

Eh, the blood elves have held Garithos’ betray against the entire Alliance since Vanilla WoW. Again, turn about is fair play. As for the the betray that happen, really it was only Kel’thusad who could be considered a betrayer/traitor. I’d also point out Kael’thas was a magic abuser.

I also dont know why you included Benedictus/Fathing. They had nothing to do with Dalaran hence are not traitors of Dalaran.

Medivh was under magical influence and cant really be held accountable for his action. Aegwynn certainly rebelled against the orders of the Kirin Tor, but I won’t say she betrayed them, not intentionally anyway.

If they were being persecute it is not because they were blood elves. It is because they were still members of the Horde. A faction that, with the theft of the divine bell, meant they became the enemy of the State of Dalaran.

Also, said faction persecuted the high elves. In a way, I’d always view the purge as partial retaliation for that.

I guess Mr random shopkeeper is the enemy of the state now. (Speaking for myself here)


They were given a choice to stand down, they didnt. The only thing I blame on Jaina is not forcing everyone in Dalaran to renounce any and all loyalties to either Alliance or Horde if they intended to stay in Dalaran.

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No it wasn’t. Far as we know, no other thefts were taking place. And she could have confirmed this with a proper investigation.

No, you literally said, ‘I expect the worse case scenario’. You are fearmongering something that didn’t happen.

So again, not they. And not the organization, Thalen.

No it couldn’t, the others were guilty too. Aegwynn did betray them. Humans are easily as guilty. And you didn’t even address Benedictus or Farthing. There is also the Cult of the Damned. Arthas. Alterac. Sargeri/Draenei. Druids of the Flame. The Wardens. Your bias is showing as usual that you consider the actions of a handful damn the innocent, but refuse to apply it to the Alliance.


At the time we did not know that. That was the point, there was no way to know exactly Garrosh was doing.

The Sunreavers were not even out for one patch and they end up betraying Dalaran to the Legion. The Sunreavers as an organization has proven to be untrustworthy.

A member of said organization. And Aethas did nothing afterwards to actually prevent another Thalen.

Everyone can turn traitor, but really that is not important to the current discussion, especially when it comes to Jaina. Jaina trusted the blood elves, even after Theramore she gave them a chance and yet they ended up betraying her a second time. We have the expression fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me for a reason!


There was, what I have been suggesting. Actual investigation and coordination instead of hastily taking certain actions/jumping to conclusions that got a lot of innocent people killed/abused. There’s a lot of things people don’t absolutely know at any given time, it doesn’t give carte blanche to do anything they feel necessary. Semi-related, you seem like the kind of person who would be against Tennesse v. Garner.

Absolutely not. Simple fact is that most races/groups in Warcraft have a few traitors. That shouldn’t damn the innocent.

At least you are being accurate this time.

It is absolutely important because you are claiming two explicitly known traitors and one person being blackmailed justifies wholesale abuse and slaughter of said group. That they, apparently, deserve to be excised. But won’t apply that to other groups. It is hypocritical and also a silly standard in the first place.


The blood elves applied it to the Alliance with Garithos. Again, I say turn about is fair play.

It is war, war is dirty business. Unfortunately alot of rights and privileges we have can and usually does have to be suspended in the name of the greater good. In our country Habeas Corpus can be suspended by the government.

The only thing the blood elves did to the Alliance was not come crawling back on their hands and knees, begging them to let them in. When has Silvermoon tried to exterminate the Alliance?


But they didn’t.

I understand you are fine being hypocritical, Zerde. You have made it clear before.

Also, that phrase doesn’t even apply to the challenge I am making at you.

That doesn’t make any and all actions morally approval-able and you know it.


If anything morals are more fluid than we all care to admit and ultimately depends on what you as person think is important. To the point even people like daenerys is someone people root for even with all her flaws.

Joining the Horde for one and supporting Garrosh in his war. Heck the very first thing that came out of Lother’mar mouth was how they think the Horde exist because of the Alliance prejudice(it actually the inverse, the Alliance exist as a response to the Horde)

I’m not hypocritical, and really, if an insult is the best you can do. I feel, well insulted.


Depends on what you mean by fluid. But of course one’s moral system will depend on their personal views. Clearly I’m speaking from my own.

If you want to feel insulted, such is how it is. I can only address your bad faith discussion so far to the extent you engage it.

I was being factious. No I am not actually insulted and really I think you fail to prove anything that will change my view that Jaina choose the best possible action given her limited time and knowledge. That is usually the best anyone of us can actually do.

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They got devastated by Arthas and were on their last leg. The Alliance offered spies, The Horde offered help. They did the right thing by choosing the Horde.

Also, by your logic, being a part of the Alliance means that all members are guilty of the crimes of any other member of the faction. So Anduin is guilty of Jaina mass murdering civilians in Dalaran, Velen is guilty of Camp Taujaro, etc. It doesn’t make sense.


I’m rather aware I probably could never change your view on most Warcraft pertaining matters. Partly because you are also the person who admitted willingly arguing in bad faith.

The alliance was spying on them for using volatile magic. I certain would have chosen the Horde as well, but that doesnt change the fact that act also meant they were choosing to fight the Alliance.

That is what both factions do anyway. Every action is consider an action committed by the entire faction. If that is the name of the game so be it. To the point that until this day Garrosh’s action are defended by his most ardent supporters. Consider me the opposite and consider Jaina(and generally the Alliance actions) as right.

I don’t think most people here are seriously going to argue that Velen is culpable in Camp Taujaro just because he’s team blue…

You know it’s okay to admit that maybe Jaina was in the wrong for once. You’re not going to morph into an Orc the second you admit the Alliance did something bad.


Want to bet? Camp T. has been used as excuse for some of the worse things to the happen to the Alliance. Hell, it and the Barrens invasion are used as excuse as to why it was ok to Bomb Theramore.

That is the things, I dont think the Purge was wrong. Or more precisely, if I was to blame someone for it occurring, I’d say the lion’s share of that blame should be squarely on the person who stole the divine bell in the first place, the Horde.

The purge was bloody business, no one can question that. Do I wish it would have happened different? Sure, but that is not what happened. Again, why should Jaina have to bear any responsibility for it when the Horde wont even admit to bearing responsibility for their part in the entire fiasco?

Because saying “If you’re a blood elf, get out of my city.” then killing all the animals who would allow those people to get out of the city, and finally killing those people for daring to still be in the city is wrong and evil…

Evil is still evil and murder is still murder even when Jaina does it. Racially purging people for the actions of one or two people is bad… I don’t know why I need to say that lol.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  1. they were given a choice after someone from their ranks betrayed Dalaran, AGAIN.
  2. the offer expired when Aethas tried to worm his way/refused to immediately accept the ultimatum.

Letting a megalomaniac get a hold of a weapon and remaining a part of said megalomaniac organization is just as evil.

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Blood Elves and High Elves are the same race. Their only difference is that one swears allegiance to the Horde while the other to the Alliance.
The Sunreavers did Garrosh’s bidding and were then banned from dalaran.