Of course i don’t, i do the same.
However due to the nature of both having reasonable grudges and both feeling in the right side the argument is never going to end because we are actually too divided to agree on anything.
is not our fault, but is just how it is.
I do wonder at the mind set. I will say, to have given the Horde a decent story wouldn’t have required a bad story for the Alliance. Nor would staring to fix it (if it can be done) have required Alliance players to suffer.
Nor do I think the converse is, or was ever, true for the Alliance story.
I have a motivation/reason to do something.
Faction Pride is about your faction being badass or competent.
For example in Battle for Lordaeron I have a motivation to besiege Lordaeron for a good reason and kill Horde.
But I have no faction pride when my faction characters are constantly crying, whining, failing and in the end look like a bunch of idiots.
So what, motivation comes out of thin air? The point of Blizzard’s faction pride statements was about how it makes you feel out your faction and your motivation to play it. (And no, it isn’t just competence or badass, at least not for me and others.)
Horde and its players according to gameplay and story attacked and destroyed things that I had. So now I had the motivation to do something about it in the next scenario but there was no faction pride when the Horde once again punked my faction.
Which by the way is your faction pride moment because it shows how competent and cool your character is.
Yes, but all you are describing is motivation based on lost pride.
And I’m not sure what pride moment you are referring to because if it is Teldrasil, all I can say is that I, and every Horde players I know, hated it. It is not fun to stand around watch you leader commit attrocities so that they can be a villian you will be forced to support.
And if we are going to see another round of Alliance players telling Horde players that they are wrong in how they felt about BfA. All I can say is that such posts amaze me. I can’t see how anyone could expect telling someone else how they feel would work.
That does not matter to me.
Whether you loved it. Hated it.
It doesn’t matter. You got content at my expense and I demand the same satisfaction. Especially since we have a LOT of similar dissatisfaction that has been left hang to dry over the past few years.
That’s the core fantasy and legacy of the Horde. If you didn’t like it why even play the Horde in the first place?
Wait, hold on. I’m curious now. If the ability to like content is not dependent on getting it, then what do you mean by ‘you got content at my expense’
What content is available for ‘them’ that is not available for ‘you’? Both factions play through the story of the War of Thorns. If liking the content is not a factor then what makes the content different for ‘them’?
Furthermore, if liking something does not matter, then you have the same ability to have that content, as character creation is not faction locked.
I never said such a thing… honestly it kind of confuses me.
How could you derive satisfaction from something that doesn’t exist?
Sylvanas destroyed that city.
The Horde got the satisfaction of denying my victory.
This is what I am talking about of how Blizzard goes out of its way to show my faction can never have a win over the Horde in any real decisive win.
While the Horde player has no ambiguity. Conquered the entire northern Kalimdor? Lets torch an entire starter zone just to make sure everyone gets the message.
I hated it so much that I can’t play my Horde characters any more. I’ve barely touched them in months, only getting them out for the occasional Darkmoon Faire or timewalking week. That’s why I get so irritated when Alliance players tell me I haven’t suffered, or need to suffer more so they can be happy. I basically quit playing Horde, and I came quite close to quitting the game altogether. How is that not suffering?*
*(Okay, for certain first-world values of “suffering,” of course. Don’t mean to sound overdramatic!)
Yeah I want a decisive victory over the Horde. IE at your expense.
I think thats much more friendlier solution than to have Alliance characters (in neutral capacity) for years to come to constantly blame you for being such a monster and killing all those Night Elf children.
Which do you prefer? Give me 15 minutes and a cinematic of how much my faction kicked your butt and burned half of Orgrimmar (or some other place of significance).
I suggested earlier to another poster to make a thread where you moderate posters who have the best interests of both factions in mind to come to a compromise.
Because it seems I can’t get any resolution because it would aggravate you Horde players even more. Hence why all these Red vs Blue debates pop up.
It would change the context of that shaming and you would have your own motivations from that point too.
I unsubscribed for a year. A friend dragged me back (connecting with friend is good) . I’m trying Alliance to see if that is enough. I just don’t think Horde lore will ever by anything but trash with the current writers.
And, yes. All the fault on any WOW forum is “first world suffering”.
At your expense? We got content we hated. So did you. From my POV, Horde lore was destroyed and my character was made a villain in their own story to provide a bad guy to the Alliance for this expansion. We were made to fail in every leveling zone to provide the basis for the first raid.
This is, aside from your asserting it as fact, subjective. Nobody, including both you and me, know anything about why Blizzard did it this way. And, in the end, it seems clear to me that decent writing could have provided content at nobody’s expense.
And I say, a demand that writing provide you with satisfaction and demanding it be at at someone’s (anyone’s) expense comes off as mean spirited and entitled.
Because I think that characterization is dead wrong? If this is bait for another “the Horde is evil” thread. I’m not interested.
Now to be accurate, I don’t play the Horde anymore. But the Horde was OK (except Blizzard had gotten into the habit of ignoring it when it came to neutral content) until BfA.
If it was so bad why was Sylvanas as popular as she was? All the BFA cinematic are getting highly positive reactions. Even the burning. So lets not assume the entire Horde lore was ruined and it was so negatively received.
But thats what the Horde got. And this is not the first time. Why is it so wrong for me to finally get something that the Horde has been getting for years?
But its the core legacy of the Horde. Its their origin story and they have re-explored that legacy several times in different ways and in different ways but its always the same.
BFA didn’t come out of nowhere, it just dialed what the Horde had done before up to 11.