Jaina's Arc in BFA. Full circle or Properly Developed?

If you want to presume to be able to tell another group that you know better than they do how much they liked something. I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t think you are convincing others and I do think you are fooling yourself.

In that past I would sometimes point that if you really want get what the Horde got, including having a favorite character made evil, your character having to help them, and having other characters talking about how the problem with the world is all because of Alliance racism, then should ask for that. (And all of that, because if you want to pick and choose what you get, you aren’t getting what the Horde got.) I know that a lot of Horde players would enjoy it and might support you.

But I play Alliance now and I don’t want to go through that again on this side either. Even if you refuse to believe it, it sucked. I guess it might let me switched back to Horde, but then I don’t think that exercise was great for either side.


I didn’t get three movie grade cinematics.
The Horde did.

I didn’t get the entire story narrative about my faction finding itself.
The Horde did.

I didn’t get to feel or witness any victories in this faction war.
The Horde did.

I just got to be victimized with zero recourse or satisfaction or payoff.
In the end I was told to let it go and forgive the Horde because they are good now.
They changed! We pinky promise.

Not for the first time. But the second time.
Jaina’s character is a symptom of this, in the end all must break to serve Blizzard and their writing objective for the Horde.
Her constant flip flops are to serve the Horde’s narrative, when she needs to be evil. It happens.
When she needs to love them again. It happens.


I was a fan of Jaina’s warmongering persona. Mostly because it was righteous and deserved. As she is now, she’s alright. I think she deserves a break from the limelight for a bit so we can remember her character fondly.

Personally, I think she’s one of the only characters who got good development in BfA (and a rare triumph of successful development of a female character by Blizzard) and I’d like to keep her that way.

Jaina would be a great character to ‘retire’ because at this stage in her development, it seems like there’s no longer any loose ends. Unlike Thrall, who was quietly shoved away with a lot of baggage still.

Suure, Ethel… cause all and each one of us basically asked for this. Also, thanks for calling us sociopathic a-holes to our face without having thge decency of you know… knowing us (rude!!).

This is the moment you NEED to step away from that keyboard dude, game is messing around with your head.

You´re better than the histerical femgoat pally, dear…

Then roll Horde, problem solved (I mean if according to you our story is 1000% better, then me thinks the issue is your tastes, dear).

He´s acting like a manchild, period. It will NOT do him any favors.


I have to say, this is just cherry picking and spinning to avoid the main point. You want to tell Horde players that what they got was good when it wasn’t.


This is an issue for anyone who is dissatisfied with their side. We can argue this all we want, but my conclusion is that Blizzard is not going to change how they approach the factions. You either live with it, change factions, or unsubscribe.

I’ve done a bit of the last (there are other games out there that don’t involve hitting your head against junk like this). I’m giving #2 a try.

Now the iron is that I switched to Alliance. But if some think the Horde has it so good, give it a try. I really think you are going to find things nothing like you are claiming, but its up to you.,\

Playing Horde is not something I can even begin to find interesting or compelling.
Why would I want to join the faction that has been my would be narrative abusers for the past decade?

Good. Bad. Whatever… they got something.
What did I get? Nothing.