Jaina's Arc in BFA. Full circle or Properly Developed?

Where is the Alliance faction pride?

But this thread isn’t about the Horde, it was not even raised by Horde player. It was about Jaina and so since the forum is open for discussion people write what they would do with character. Personally? I think Jaina is ridiculous, her constaint flip flopping, her affair with a dragon and her truly bizzare outlook on things made me realise that just like Saurfang - it would be better to give her mercy kill. I used to be a big Saurfang fan, but BfA made me see him as pathetic hypocrite and the more they showed him the more I wish he would be gone. So I fail to understand why do blame the Horde on how individual can perceive character, heck my friend who is long time human pala also despises her, it’s not “my faction vs your faction” issue.

It’s how individual poster sees the character. You have strange habit of blaming entire red faction for various things, while forgetting players didn’t have any say in that.

And it’s different in wanting to kill one character to ending entire playable faction which includes various sub factions and plenty of characters.


Genn was pretty antagonistic I thought

And the line between Jaina and Thrall I interpreted as a rebuttal to Sylvanas’ opening lines in the BFA trailer. “Ours is cycle of hatred”. Because Jaina, Bane, Anduinn and Thrall never really had embraced that cycle of hatred - though Jaina certainly was at least transitioning that way!

Does anything else find it strange how Thalen Songweaver hasn’t been seen or even mentioned since War Crimes? I honestly expected him, Shokia, and Harrowmeiser to either be quest targets or dungeons bosses in WoD like Zaela and Garrosh were. Like I was honestly confused as to why they didn’t just have Harrowmeiser be the goblin boss in the Grimrail Depot dungeon instead of having some new goblin.

Now in regards to this back and forth… The fact is Blizzard used both the Horde and Alliance as props to further Sylvanas’s story in order to lead into Shadowlands. Both factions suffered in different ways because of this. Neither player base should be punished further and wanting to punish other players for being team red or blue doesn’t do anything but derail threads and make the tensions worse on the forums.

This cycle will end when we, both Horde and Alliance posters, turn from one another. And walk. Away.


No thank you.
As far as I am concerned Horde players got way more than I did in this expansion so lets leave things when things are a little bit more equalized.

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it really is the same, your faction composed by various races and characters ruins my experience by how the narrative treats them like some friends here are telling me. I.E not making them face the consequences after what they did. or that is what i am being told. Like, i understand the frustration more than anyone.

all what i am saying is that we simply want different things that never are going to happen. and i am not going to agree that the other faction should kill or destroy the things i like just to make them feel better if i have to choose, i rather destroy theirs.

Blizzard wanted us to be enemies. we never are going to agree.

well is weird but i bet they will show up and some point to be random dungeon bosses.

i cannot do anything about my hate until teldrassil story is resolved, i cannot forgive the horde. yet at least.

Meanwhile i think that i am going to continue to defend my interests.

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You know I kinda of wonder if any of them willl randomly appear in Shadowlands in some manner. Like either as spirits we encounter where they reveal how they met their end or among Sylvanas’s forces to give her more diversity in her forces, while using named characters over newly created ones.

Well here’s hoping Tyrande’s presence in Shadowlands will lead to something. At the very least I’m hoping that she gets to be the named character who receives the Sylvanas kill credit, like how the Illidan kill goes towards Maiev.

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i really doubt it, but i think some of them have the potential to be bosses in a eventual world revamp.
Who knows, maybe they could create actually good villains.

Well i don’t know what i am expecting as long they give teldrassil a proper closure. if it leads to interesting conflicts then all good.

A kerrigan sylvanas would be worst case scenario, of course that would be
insta-uninstall after being spit on the face.

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It wont.

Horde will get away scot free.
Sylvanas will have the last laugh somehow.
Horde Players will get to quest with Alliance characters again like nothing happened.


I think most reasonable people, especially Horde players, expected Jaina to go in a villainous direction after her behavior in MoP and Legion, as well as the tone of her “Beware of Me” song. The Horde needed a bad guy to unite around, the same way the Alliance was able to unite around opposing Sylvanas. That would have been a true faction war scenario.

Instead we got Horde Civil War 2.0 and Sad Times at Jaina High.


True. The sooner stop burying their heads in the sand, the better.


Jaina would have been a terrible choice for that role, though, so I’m glad they ended up not going in that direction.

… Although this wasn’t great either.


It’s not the same. OP made a subject about Jaina alone, it narrows the discussion to just one character, and I don’t see you raging on Alliance players who are also fed up with Jaina, it’s not “my faction vs your faction issue” here. It’s not about upsetting anyone in particular.

If the subject was about faction as a whole it would open doors for many problems as we could chat over each aspect of it. But the subject of handling one character in opposition to entire faction is a different matter. Because faction has many other subfactions, characters and objectives.


the difference is that they actually have good reasons. and i don’t think they do it out of malice like the hostility i feel from the red team.
specially from nelfs fans who do have been… treated poorly.
They are right to be upset, they are right to be angry.
and they weren’t benefiting from their status of playable faction.
in fact, they were punished for it.

We cannot say the same about the red faction who have been getting their power fantasy of destruction and humilliate the enemy faction.

i don’t appreciate that horde players not only don’t care about how it affected ally/nelfs players but also want to continue to punish our faction so they can feel better.
i understand if the narrative wasn’t exactly ideal for the horde, but wishing to punish the alliance even more somehow only push me to the other extreme of wishing the opposite.

As for the rest of ally players, i respect their opinion. and i am glad that we actually have different characters in the faction so they can choose at least one (if they do) if they like at least one of our faction, he/she is one of us. and i know that even if we don’t agree in everything, we share a common goal.

Or maybe i am too lost in the red vs blue thing. probably the latter.
but i guess it cannot be helped.
Good day.

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Oh so blue avatar’s opinion counts and the red ones do not. So If I will change my avatar to be blue will my opinion count then?

You are talking as if all Horde posters wede nothing but malicious, insensitive a-holes. But also forgetting that nowadays planty of people play both factions.

You can dislike opposite faction leader for valid reasons and not out of sheer spite or malice.

I just gave you example that I have no problem disliking characters on red team and be so frustrated with them to the point of wishing them mercy kill too. It has nothing to do with the faction but how character was handled.

In my impression, you take this redvs blue too personally, in the end it’s a fiction no reason to get this much upset over it. Maybe you need a break if the story is impacting you this much? Maybe you should learn to just shrug the bad stuff, - I managed to learn to laugh at “it’s so bad it’s kinda funny”.


No. He is just saying you get to play the content you want while he doesn’t get his.

But in the end their preference lands on one side or another.
And to that end these people, malicious or not have their own bias and selfish needs.

“I can destroy your stuff but you can’t destroy mine because it makes me feel bad.”

The fiction of it is half the issue.
The other half is that the Alliance as a faction has been reduced to a minority because of blatant Blizzard favouritism for years and this expansion is no different.
The Alliance playerbase that’s left over are still trying to advocate for things that would make the game more enjoyable to them but at every turn a Horde player is there to voice opposition.
Which is perfectly fine and its their right as a consumer but it doesn’t stop both sides from butting heads.


Maybe, because i know ally players tends to want actually positive things to happen that actually beneffits the faction. even killing characters that i like to, maybe to open the door for another storytelling that is actually fun or interesting for the faction.

when is a red boi, most likely he/she will want something that destroys for no other reason to make their side feel better and not thinking of the consequences of putting the ally playerbase under that circumstance.
That is why you don’t see me fighting with my side often.

i know that not everyone is like that, but it has been always my impression that most of them enjoy seeing the other side suffer.

and i totally understand that, is totally fair.

my issue is simply wanting to kill or destroy things or the other side without thinking in the actual consequences of what that can lead into it. for example, i have seen toon of people wanting to kill tyrande on top of losing teldrassil. just how much more devastating blows wants to deliver to the other side?. like, i don’t even like tyrande but i know that she is a fan favorite for many nelfs fans.
and they don’t deserve that.
That is what i see. a lack of empathy that also erase mine, maybe due to human nature.

Maybe. maybe i spend to much time into this (11 years) that i don’t want to let it go.

i tried, it didn’t work. i don’t know what else can do about it other than wait until more lore news :slightly_smiling_face:

Posts were people think they can dismiss Horde problems with Alliance problems show more selfishness and sense of entitlement than anything else. Now you have stated that you don’t think Horde players deserve to have an opinion, and that speaks for itself.

I think the Alliance has things to complain about. So I don’t try and shut down their complaints by insisting that only my problems matter. I think you would be more credible if were were willing to make any effort to see the other POV. (And not, posts about how the Horde POV isn’t worth considering isn’t trying to see Horde POV.)


No I am just point out what you want is a myth. A legend. A fantasy.

There is no such thing as faction pride. Only motivation.

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And what is the difference between “pride” and “motivation”?