Jaina Proudmoore committed unspeakable acts against blood elves,m

Except it doesnt even say she killed them. All it says is she expelled them and even if she did it would be in self defense/because the blood elves resisted.

It doesn’t need to say she kills them because we see it happen.
And Chronicle ommission isn’t a retcon.

We see Jaina kill people and Chronicle didn’t retcon that.

Well if someone is trying to imprison me for something I didn’t do while my associates are being fed to sharks, I sure wouldn’t allow myself to be unjustly arrested.


Except the organization did do it. The blood elves had betrayed Dalaran, twice.

You can check if you want. She just teleports them now unless you as a player participates.

Expelling people from their home is inherently violence. You can’t do that non-violently.

Ridiculous notion. This is like saying I get carte blanche to mass arrest you and your buddies as well as your families because your bowling teammate went out and robbed a store.


The organization didn’t do it, like what, one member did.

Like the local alchemist had no involvement.

Zerde, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.


She is a mage, she can literally teleport them. It still violent but it doesnt have to be lethal.

And you can see it again. It was mention it was bad programing. She does now just go around and teleports them.(she tosses a fireball and a blizzard but teleport them as oppose to kill them). And if you attack her as a Horde player you get teleported to the violet hold.


The method isn’t the issue, the concept is. You cannot non-violently remove someone from their home and belongings. These are citizens of the state that she unilaterally decides to commit a pogrom against because one person committed the same exact crime that she was doing the entire war. (‘Breaking’ neutrality)


It wasnt just one person. Chronicles confirmed multiple Sunreavers broke Dalaran’s neutrality and joined Garrosh. Now had Aethas actually done something to deal with traitors in his ranks maybe none of this would have happened.


This doesn’t morally give Jaina any right to do what she did against an entire race living in her city.

Unless things have been changed Aethas had only just learned of “traitors” in the Sunreavers before Jaina busted in and started her massacre.

Beyond that, the Sunreavers never broke Dalaran’s neutrality, Jaina herself had already assisted the Alliance in their war against the Horde. Acting as if the Sunreavers doing it is some grave sin answerable by mass-eviction and murder is ridiculous.


I said like one. Multiple could literally be two.

Point being there were lots of apparently people not involved who get arrested or killed.

I don’t need to do it again, I saw it. That’s what happened when I did it.


She didnt do it because of their race. She did it because it was an organization that had not cut ties to the Horde/were members of it.

We dont know when he learned of it. Having said that it is clear Aethas did not do enough to prevent new traitors after Theramore.

And I showed you what I saw. So if anything the ingame showing of the event is flawed. That relying too much on ingame stuff is stupid because heck, anyone can kill a boss ingam but we know canonically some bosses were killed by only Alliance/only Horde.

She did not assist the Alliance in the war while leading Dalaran. If you are talking about while being leader of Theramore she assisted with it because she was Alliance.

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I’m just pointing out the direction blizz has been trying to go with the purge, not my personal opinions. For Blizz, she didn’t do the evil part of the purge, and thats kinda why they put her so easily with horde pcs.

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Everything is flawed when you have sloppy storytelling. Just like people who crow that we should ignore Chronicles because Titan pov.

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It’s also an mmo. That’s the main part. It’s not a copout, it’s the nature of the business. They aren’t gonna change quest info around for each race.

The least they could’ve done is had Jaina and Aethas patch things up in stay-a-while-and-listen thing, or even just inject more flavorful text into the quests they have for each other in the ruins. Like, we just played MoP again, and that was the last interaction these characters had. Bridge the gap.

Regardless of how sloppy it is Jaina is not being treated as a villain for the events of the Purge. And even if she was most people have gotten over it to the point the blood elven leader even invited her to his wedding. In the same vein that most people now trying to “get over” every horrible thing the Horde did.

If the Purge will ever be mentioned it again it wont be until Midnight with a whole “unite the elves” theme going on. Knowing Blizzard we are likely going to get a Incarnate style reunification.

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Good for them. As I’ve said, Blizzard aren’t really good writers generally imo.

she outright killed people and owned up to it in BFA…

Yeah, she’s not Veressa levels of warcriminal when it comes to the purge, but they’re not in a rush to damn her either.

I guess that’s what happens when you’re a dev’s pet character :confused:


She did not. She said that blood elf’s beef is with Jaina in an attempt to allow the others to escape.

Because she did not commit any crime.