Jaina is way too prevalent in the story

I have a feeling that she’ll pop up again in the next patch (are we getting one?) and that she will play more of a role in future conflict with Sylvanas. Possibly Azshara as well.

No. I love Velen and really enjoyed his character development. I just mean that, when it comes to draenei characters, it really is just Velen who gets to do stuff. Anyone else is just flat-out not notable.

I would have loved it if Yrel came over and joined the Alliance officially. She didn’t even have to do anything important; if she got the same amount of screentime a second-tier character like Shandris does I’d still be happy.

Obviously, the writers decided to go another way with that :confused:

The worgen kinda/sorta have the same problem with only Genn being a true “character,” but at least we have people like Tess and Lorna repping Gilneas, and Darius Crowley being a badass as a Legion bodyguard.

I would bring him back too if I could. I trust that doggo.


I think it was all about the Alliance NPC’s in BC.

BlizzCon: Chris Metzen explores the lore of Warcraft

'The Alliance heroes of Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, who sealed themselves on Draenor as Nerzul’s dimensional portals tore the planet apart — and whose statues can be seen in the Valley of Heroes in Stormwind — will play a major part in the Burning Crusade.

“They’re still alive, and they’re kicking as… They’re BAD. AS… (The forum auto-mod edited this word out for me, however a Blizz Dev did say it, not me!). There’s a reason their statues are in Stormwind.”’

I think a lot of Alliance Leaders were dominant during Wrath, as well?

Catta and Pandaria were all Thrall, with a bit of Anduin during questing, and Khadgar was visible during Draenor and Legion.

I’m never fussed by who the ‘guides’ of an expansion are, yet almost everything about BfA upsets and annoys me, so it cannot win!

I do love Jaina, even when she’s rude to me!

I remember the Horde loudly complaining about Alliance prevalence last expansion. Now all of them have “had their vengeance” except Jaina.

We do, her name is Tyrande but apparently it was too hard for Blizz to write a story where she would be forced to work with Hordies in Nazjatar to end Azshara.

Seriously, I would’ve loved to have seen that. Would Tyrande be willing to swallow her pride to end a threat greater than the Horde? But nope, we got Jaina who’s still wounded (but let’s just forget about that)

Idk which is worse.

All your leaders dying left and right because “plot” (horde)

Or all your leaders twiddling their thumbs and watching while 1 of 2 humans does everything (alliance)

You know what’s funny about this scene?

While snapping the arrow in half while he walks away from Sylvanas with his back turned is badass and all, it’s a pretty stupid thing to do as you should never attempt pull out an object that has lodged itself into your flesh and created a considerably deep wound on your own, let alone breaking the thing in half thereby making it harder for a doctor to possibly remove and treat said object.

What if he broke the shaft off at the surface and the arrow pushed itself deeper? Or worse yet, what if he accelerated the rate of poisoning by tearing the wound open further?

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I thought exactly the same thing! Having just come from my First Aid course, and studied battle injuries for something I was working on.

Totally fine with her prevalence in the story so far, will make more sense to switch focus in an upcoming patch however. Would like more Night Elf lore taking center stage.

LOL T’paartos would most certainly lead them to victory!

Because they need that one character of Alliance to hug the Horde leader when the “Azeroth is free” moment happen to justify the end of the conflict.

Jaina is that character, always.

There’s a story in BFA?

Would you prefer Khadgar?

This expansion is the story of Jaina and Sylvanas. Of course the Alliance is going to see a lot of Jaina. :man_shrugging:

I’ve seen Genn more than I’ve seen Sylvanas.

Ugh, absolutely not. But I’d still take him over Nandos or whatever that undead toy boy of Sylanas is called.

anyone up for some cheeky nandos?