Jaina is way too prevalent in the story

I always think of the tenuous, unattainable love between them. Lost forever now because they are dead, yet always remembered.

It has a lot of bearing in my love of these two, knowing their history.


Thereā€™s a bit of interaction between the two in the War of the Ancients Trilogy, though that was an incredibly tedious read and I canā€™t fault anyone for forgetting details from it.

I mean, fair, butā€¦ if weā€™re being totally honest someone like Genn or Velen should have been made regent for Anduin rather than just giving him the throne altogether. Heā€™s obviously not ready, and possibly still underage.

We need more Jaina!

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Thereā€™s so little romance in this game, and I love romance! World of Romance!

Werenā€™t Jaina and Kalecgos in love once? I wonder what happened.

Jaina and Kalec. By MewMewFrostElf


I actually didnā€™t know that, Iā€™m into lore but definitely not an expert or anything haha. :slight_smile: Maybe Iā€™m wrong but Azshara has been around for quite a while (although Iā€™m admittedly not sure how up to date she is with the Horde and Alliance) so youā€™d think she would know about Tyrande now, at least.

Just seems really strange to me that Tyrande was around back then and now sheā€™s just completely MIA (again, as far as I know.) Having Tyrande there (especially since Shandris is already there as well) seems a lot more fitting than Jaina being there. Itā€™s a shame, I love the night warrior version of Tyrande and I was hoping sheā€™d get some spotlight now but so far it doesnā€™t seem that way :frowning:

Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve heard anything so maybe my memory is hazy but I believe that Kalec had enough of bloodthirsty Jaina and he called things off with her. Theyā€™ve been done for a little while now, I believe.


Which is also fair, but they have been setting him up to eventually lead since MoP where he played a massive part of the story, got his ideals as a leader laid out, his ideals tested, and all his bones broken. All while his anger management dad finally learned that Anduinā€™s views were the right ones.

Then 2 expansions later and him becoming king was the most backstory, forgotten aspect to happen. All the characterization for nothing and not even the people who pledged their loyalty to him follow his orders or ask for them to begin with.

Him not being suitable for being King would at least be story. Right now its just a chess piece sitting in a castle while the knight and bishop do all the work and get all the focus.

Almostā€¦ almost, heā€™s not quite asā€¦ well I canā€™t use that word on the forums. Either way heā€™s rather more pleasant than Nathanos. Heā€™s arrogant without being that word I canā€™t use. But I understand what you were getting at.

You can either have Jaina, Anduin, or maybe Genn. The Alliance has no other characters.

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While I like Jaina and her story, I do agree thereā€™s been to much of her lately. I was really hoping that nazjatar would focus on night elf and void elf characters. Especially since void elves have so little lore. Instead I have a human explaining to my character their raceā€™s own history.

According to Blizzard sheā€™s had her ā€œrevengeā€ by inconveniencing Sylvanas in return for the slaughter of her people and destruction of Teldrassil.

It was touched upon I believe in ā€œBefore the Stormā€, that or another short story. There is a point where Jaina and Kalec meet in Dalaran, and Kalec asks Jaina to let go of her hatred and stay with him. But Jaina is unable to do so, and claims that though she loves Kalec, she cannot hide who she is or what she hates. From there she departs through a portal and Kalec sadly watches her go. I think this was the last scene involved the both of them. Hopefully they get back together.


Iā€™m still not sure as to where the mechagon thing is going or why its so big and important a thing at the moment.

I feel if they had put this much effort into the NightElf campaign locationā€¦ things would be very different.

Imagine if Darkshore had been just as big a thing? Actual revenge and fight for the Night Elves cause that they claimed it was for the alliance. A much better spotlight on Tyrande and Malfurion for a while.
An attempt was made, but Blizzard still donā€™t seem to be very good at having concurrent story lines.
Hindsight 20 20 I guessā€¦

I love Jaina and I agree entirely, she shouldnā€™t be the premier hero vs the naga


I half expected to see more of Slyvanas and Anduin where are they?


Well considering this is her homeā€¦ I think you deserve an ā€˜uh duhā€™ā€¦

Tyrande could have been there, but she didnā€™t want to wait and had to go back to Darkshore NOW NOW NOW!

She didnā€™t learn anything from the MoP scenario ā€œA Little Patienceā€, heh.

So, sheā€™s in Darkshore, thatā€™s why sheā€™s not in Nazjatar.

well King Mechagon is doing something against the Curse of Flesh, maybe there well have something to use against Nā€™zothā€¦
But I really thought Tyrande would have a beef with Azjara because Legionā€¦ And since she dumped the Nightborne for the same reason, I thought she would jump in to get Azzieā€™s neck

Did you miss the two patches last expansion where it was the Velen show?