Yes but Baine actually DID defect. So you know…
Still didn’t no matter how often people claim he did. Still very much Horde, he defected against Sylvanas just like Sylvanas defected against Garrosh. So he’s really just following her example when dealing with a brain-dead tyrant working for the next big threat on Azeroth.
As for the OP: I’m fairly certain a lot of lore names that are still alive are being dragged in. I THINK what happens is we get a party that heads to the Maw to deal with the Lich Queen with Bolvar telling folks where she went, and everyone gets stuck in the Maw since that’s where all the souls are going. And the only reason we get out is because of chosen one shenanigans, but our leaders get trapped in there and we have to work on rescuing them. Something like that was how it was explained at BlizzCon, but we have limited lore right now.
As Rhuor said, he defected as much as Sylvanas and Vol’jin (your past two warchiefs), and the other Horde leaders/characters did against Garrosh.
GD jumps the gun anytime they see something new.
I don’t mind Anduin to be honest. WoW is full of edgy and fan service characters, it’s good to have at least one hopelessly naive optimistic one.
It seems everyone died when the sky was shattered…
Jainas been dead for ages, the one running around currently running around in BFA is a dreadlord
Sniff…that brought back memories…“jaina is a dreadlord” memes, how i miss thee…wow was in such a better state back then…sob
You mean “only.” Bliz focused on Jaina so hard that she Johnny Depp’d the whole expansion. Even offscreen, center of attention.
Look, Blizzard just wasted an entire redemption arc nobody asked/cared for nor did she deserve in BFA on her. She isn’t going to die nor is she dead. She’s basically a blizzard draw card to drum up hype. “Oh look guys, she’s angry at the Horde again, she’s gonna do something this time” Oh wait, she was just locked up for half the expansion and despite killing her own father and everyone on Kul tiras hating her she is now forgiven, made Lord Admiral, and everyone loves her and she loves the Horde again because Thrall came back. Yay.
thx for ur emotional breakdown and half-assed redemption arc jaina
now we get to do the same to the next two major female characters cuz that’s the only way we know how to handle female protagonists
So this is why we didn’t see Derek, Tandred and Katherine’s reunion?
Wait it isn’t the Alliance? Just Jaina?
Interesting. I must have missed it.
Anything else about the naga? I’m very interested in Azshara and the naga future.
Butter cookies are a thing.
I’m guessing you’ll have to read some novel for that.
I will use the squirt bottle on you I SWEAR!
Nope, I messed up. I remembered maw walker as maw jailer.
Go, my naga! Welcome the mighty Tidehunter to Azeroth!
I humbly present… the Maw Walker.
Everyone here is making assumptions with absolutely no knowledge of what’s to come.
Just wait it out.
Don’t say that. That means Sylvanas won’t die either and I’m really holding onto that shred of hope.
As an aside, Jaina’s statue is sick.
Of course it’s wild speculation. I have no doubt that what really happens will only become apparent either in the book, or in a cutscene.
oooooooooooooooh god yes i hope yes…
jaina and sylvanas in the grave, this cant possible get better… oh wait… it can get better (looking at tyrande and maiev)