Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

They might just make Amani a neutral race for both. I mean, if the dwarven stand in, Earthen(their Alliance counterpart) gets turned neutral, why not Amani, a troll one?

So all usage of the forsaken can be considered a loving gift of peace from the forsaken.

Some people really don’t think through the implications of some of the things they say :stuck_out_tongue:


Again, we literally beat up a bunch of soldiers during said questline to free them from the sha. Apperently the people of Azeroth can take a hit or two.

I was mocking the fireball comment you made :dracthyr_lulmao: :dracthyr_nod:

Still, it’s been almost 20 years. Even if they worked a day a month on rigging ogres as a playable race they’d probably be playable by now.

The only issue is the female model. If they can work it out somehow it will be avaiable eventually.

Ion Hazzikostas, April 26, 2018 :point_down:


Funny enough that reminds me of someone. https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Back_from_the_Dead

She is an excitable elf who tends to fire off spells like gestures, often hitting her brother in the process. It’s a habit inherited from her mother.

Estynna Starlance says: I… I thought we’d lost them forever.
Accidentally shoots Than with a fireball.
Estynna Starlance yells: Hurry up, Than! Let’s find them!

So yeah, this mother-daughter duo literally hits their spouse/brother with fireballs and aside from abit of crying both are not worse for wear. So yeah apparently fireballs can be low grade/not deadly.

see, this line of thought might actually have literally any sticking power whatsoever if mages didn’t outright have actual methods of subdual at their fingertips in game and in lore.

Polymorph, ice nova, Slow, hell, even frostbolt.


We don’t call them fireballs in these here parts!

More like Gently caressing your face with a giant flaming ball of death


presumably Jaina is still weakening them so they could be teleport. Like what we do to say Hogger:

General Hammond Clay says: This beast leads the Riverpaw gnoll gang and may be the key to ending gnoll aggression in Elwynn.
General Hammond Clay says: We’re taking him into custody in the name of King Varian Wrynn.
Hogger says: Nooooo…
Hammond turns to High Sorcerer Andromath.
General Hammond Clay says: Take us to the Stockades, Andromath.
Andromath and Dumas teleport themselves, Hammond, and Hogger away.

I just showed you a mother-daughter team that apperently fireballs their family members like its nothing. So yeah, apperently in WoW fireballs will not kill you if its low grade enough.

You really need to learn when someone isn’t being serious dude

Not everything is a deep serious lore discussion

Learn to spot sarcasm when you see it

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Yes. Because the mage that can effortlessly teleport armies needs help to subdue weak civilians.


I personally don’t care. My point stands that this is probably why Blizzard program Jaina to actually do the stuff she did. That the more “canon” version of the purge, at least as it concern to her, is she was still avoiding civilian casualties as much as possible.

These civilians were ALL mages(you can tell because they would cast fireball back at Jaina)

Nobody asked if you cared.

I am merely stating that not everything needs to be taken soo seriously.


And nobody asked your opinion.

I don’t remember seeing that in the video of yours I watched.

Lots of Jaina attacking running and cowering civilians though.


She did sic the Silver Convenant on civilians who had nothing to do with the theft of the divine bell.

But you know, that gets looked over a lot. Hopefully Chronicles puts it to bed for good :dracthyr_nod:




Spell fire firebolt02.png Fireball — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy.
Spell fire immolation.png Immolate — Burns an enemy, then inflicts additional Fire damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec.


Displaced Sunreavers are blood elf civilians encountered during the Purge of Dalaran. They will cower in a state of panic, and be teleported to the Violet Hold by Jaina Proudmoore if she happens to come across them.

Their aggro is set to passive, and they will only retaliate (against the player or hostile NPCs) if struck first.

You continue to be a very selective reader.

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