Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

“Round and round and round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows”. :yawning_face:


The way I see that argument (since I’m like 90% sure she namedropped Stormheim in Elegy), is that she was saying that the next Alliance aggression might not be picking off civilians in neutral territory or backstabbing the Horde forces attempting to save the damn world, but rather an actual large pressed attack on Horde territory.

Which isn’t exactly unreasonable considering that many in the Alliance have explicitly called for taking over Horde territory in the EK.

I see your seal and raise you a super cool kid seal.


It was dead. Then Blizzard decided to reintroduce it in a stupid way for no real reason.

And that topic was kind of dying down until Zerde decided to make a new thread to explicitly relitigate Jaina’s guiltiness.


Huuuh? Did i miss something here? What do you mean?

Velves/Helves openly want to retake silvermoon.

Genn wants to retake Gilneas (the only one I think is valid, but lol if he’s trusted to stop at the border if given full rein)

The Alliance literally just retook Arathi to rebuild Stromgarde.

The Alliance was supporting the SC’s efforts to colonize Loraedon and push the forsaken out until the SC’s craziness became apparent.


Not only would that be a horrible and deranged take, but people believing that would also be wrong. An overwhelming amount of evidence indicates that Japan would have surrendered anyway. Even Truman was reportedly aware of that.


RETAKE means not “Conquering” but, take back what is yours to beginn with :wink:

maybe the horde should stop invade alliance land?

Saurfang momentarily considers Anduin’s lack of reaction to Stormheim as ammunition for why he’s a weak leader who’d cave to Alliance Hawks for FUTURE attacks on the Horde. But not once is Stormheim ever framed as a recent attack on the Horde, nor the attack on the Bilgewater (again civilians) in Silithus. Its all “maybe”, “might”, “could”, “will” EVENTUALLY attack us in framing. Because the Horde HAS to be the ones to start the War.


Not to open up yet another can of worms (one non-Wow related), but even after the nukes fell, the hardline militarists still tried to coup the politicians willing to surrender.

The only direct offer of surrender the US got was “pretty please let us continue owning these countries we invaded and are brutalizing”, and the offers the US sent were met with stalling tactics.

Not saying the nukes were the correct choice, but the choice was murkier than that.

Idk why we even talk about this. There is nothing to debate. Horde side showed one thing and the Alliance side showed another thing.

It’s stupid and I am not sure why Blizzard tells stories this way but it is annoying hearing about it over and over and over again.

The Purge, Taurajo, we get it. Horde players are desperate for something to villainize the Alliance for. They don’t want to feel like the bad guys all the time. You want Blizzard to stop giving the Alliance a moral out in the writing. Unfortunately they have not done that.

There is no resolution to this discussion because the lore literally gives us two different stories. That means our own eyes are unreliably narrators in this story. Why even talk about the lore at all, everything we have see in-game could be wrong.


I see your super cool kid seal and raise you dancing honey badger


I see your dancing honey badger and raise you a dramatic dancing fluffy bear.


Velves have openly discussed Silvermoon rejoining the Alliance. Alleria has articulated that, and Umbric has paid some lip-service to it as well. I wouldn’t call this so much, ‘re-taking,’ as that implies taking by military force.

High Elves have done nothing of the sort. At most you have Vereesa in the Three Sisters comic thinking something along the lines of the Blood Elves being able to redeem themselves, but she didn’t exactly show interest in moving back. Considering she’s got half-elf twins, I’m not surprised she doesn’t consider living in Quel’Thalas an option.

Most High Elf commentary on Quel’Thalas revolves around an unwillingness to return. They’ve built lives and homes for themselves away from it.

I’m so confused about who’s hands Gilneas is in. Feels like every patch it flip-flops…

If we’re talking Vanilla WoW questing with the Scarlet in the Cathedral basement, their stated goal was the Scourge as far as I recall. The Forsaken weren’t mentioned, unless one lumps them in with the term, ‘undead,’ which would honestly be fair.

They showed two difference perspectives, yes.
But unless you are extremely biased towards on side or the other, the story is the exact same thing.
Horde side Theramore, Garrosh still twisted and tortured elementals to do his wish, Garrosh still bombed Theramore.
Alliance side Theramore, Garrosh still twisted and tortured elementals to do his wish, Garrosh still bombed Theramore.

We are not shown a different story - but depending on our biases - we excuse certain elements of the story.

Many Alliance players, as an example, excuses the Night Elves for letting the orcs potentially starve to death, because they are biased towards the Alliance. But the thing still happened, the orcs was still on the brink of famine after the shattering, with the Night Elves refusing any kind of trade due to the Wrath Gate Incident in Wrath of the Lich King

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch4rc5W4dKY&ab_channel=WorldofWarcraft - youtube clip for those who do not remember

Which they blamed on the Horde, despite the obvious result of Putress’ little rebellion. But as a hardcore Alliance player, you excuse it with: “The Night Elves had no obligation to trade at all, the orcs could just find another way to feed themselves” well, great.

It is not that we are shown something different, entirely, we are just shown two different sides of the same story.


That is not what happened. The Night Elves generously traded food and resources to the orcs until they attacked and skinned a peaceful congregation of Night Elf Druids (It was staged by the Twilight Hammer, but no one knew this), which is the same reason Cairne fought Garrosh for.

No one is at fault there. Or maybe everyone was at fault because everyone resorted to fighting instead of talking about it. Oh well.

That is not what is going on with the purge. We see Jaina do one thing on the Horde side, and she does something completely different on the Alliance side.


Clearly, he has a personal investment on this hot topic about the Purge and how it portraits Jaina, apparently.

Ok now I’m super confuse… Then why did a Sunreaver in BfA, Magister Hathorel said: “Have you forgotten the Purge of Dalaran Murderer?”
He even state he watch his friends die! :no_mouth:

Does this mean that the BfA cut scene is not canon anymore? WHAT’s going on!?

:dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


It is exactly what happeend, and no.

The Wrath Gate Incident happened, Night Elves refused trade. Shattering happened destroying a large part of the orc’s own food supplies and ability to gather as such, as well as burning a huge part of Orgrimmar in the process. The orc people got very mad, some took to killing and skinning Night Elves (potentially alive) as a result. The Alliance got mad at Thrall, wanting him to hand out the guilty, Thrall refuse as he had no concrete evidence as to who did it and it would lower the morale of an already extremely angry people.

Hamuul then tried to set up another meeting, hoping to find a peaceful solution to the problem while Garrosh was Warchief. Twillight Hammer agents disguised as Horde came swooping in, killed the druids. Cairne got mad, blamed Garrosh, challenged Garrosh to a mak’gora, was killed because Magatha made Garrosh cheat.

No one is at fault. And it is correct, the Night Elves were under no obligation to trade with the orcs.

But it should not be a surprise when an angry, starving population then suddenly goes to war with you to try and feed themselves and the people at large.

I do not condone it, and I do not support it, but I understand why it would happen. Especially when the people who refuse you, also start blaming you for all the bad that has ever happened to you.

As far as I know, the only Sunreavers to die were those that resisted, so perhaps Hathorel was in that group?

Heck, if they DO actually give us some resolution with bronze dragons, let him witness it too. I don’t think it’ll change his mind about the Purge, or even his attitude towards Jaina, but the man at least deserves to know what caused him to lose his friends to begin with. If anyone deserves closure, its Hathorel.


Welp, it seems you have a gross misunderstanding of the lore, so I don’t see a point in continuing this conversation. Good talk.