Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

Well, I did say I preferred Jaina back when she had some flaws, back when she was in that creepy relationship with the most k-pop dragon ever. And back then she still wasn’t in god mode, until Golden showed up. But like I said, does not matter. She’s out of the picture and good riddance as far as I’m concerned. She’s got a heavy name in the gaming industry by now, I’m sure she’ll be fine.

Not really, Calia is another thing entirely. Thrall, at least had some interaction with the orcs as he grew up, Calia just showed up out of literally out of nowhere not to mention she’s got raised by a sparkle enetity and she woke up full or love or something, I forget what she said, cause that novel bored me, but it was something dumb.In contrast with the Forsaken waking up in Death Kneel and you tell me that Sparkle Princess Calia has anything on the Forsaken.

Also she’s been written in specifically to make the forsaken look more “safe”, Thrall was always the leader of the orcs.

And that Elsa song was cringe. Each to their own I guess.

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You didn’t like “Daughter of the Sea”?

You’re dead to me


And could it be that shocker the writers/devs dont Blame Jaina for what happen/consider her as much a victim of circumstances as anyone else?

That if anyone should be blame it would be the double dead orc. Chronicles 4 is two months away. Lets see.

You forgot to add that your SOOOO ready to rub it in if Chronicles 4 happend to agree with you!
However be ready if not… :face_in_clouds:

I’m waiting for Chronicles 4, yet I haven’t finished the other books… but I won’t miss the conclusion of this discussion for SURE!

:cup_with_straw::rofl: :popcorn:

I do have a tiny, insignificant suspicion that if your right Zerde it’s just going to get worst… :woozy_face:

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Clear bait was your take. Dwarves took lots of lands for themselves, they could’ve coexist with Frostmane but decided to repress them from their own land.

What the heck are you talking about?

You have to be imperialist to create empire. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
But Frostmane never created empire. They’re just a simple tribe that is constantly repressed by dwarves, on their own homeland.

They’re kids. Whelps is synonym to Kids. The soothsayer calles them kids. Their size implies they’re kids. Therefore Alliance is killing kids. It’s not a matter of dropping nuke from a far. They had to go directly to that village, and grab them and kill them personally.

Trolls reach adulthood at very young age, according to RPG at age of 17 years.

If troll is at the size of Dwarf how old possibly they could be Zerde? Think! 4-5 years?

But I guess I should never underestimate hardcore Alliance fan to excuse even the foulest act Alliance could make.
They’d deny evidence even it kicked them in the crotch.


To be honest I never took it as Sincere because Sylvanas never really expressed any warm feelings toward the Horde. We saw her Attitude toward Horde soldiers in the ICC dungeons. She always treated Horde as a tools, so I always took her “For the Horde” as a tool to rally Horde simpletons that would die for honor and glory.

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Surely the Dwarves, who refer to half the horde races as animals, who were the ones to push the Frostmane to the margins to begin with, and never saw a peaceful native village they didn’t want to brutalize would never do anything as gauche as target children.


Side eyes the tauren village the dwarves destroyed down to one lone survivor in their insatiable greed for titan artifacts

Nope, totally wouldn’t target troll whelps. Not the dwarves. Could never happen some exclaim


Sylvanas denied her feelings. The prime, and not the only, example is the Highborne lament where she denies feelings for her sisters and then obsesses about them.

She was a complex and tragic character who could have been so much more if she hadn’t been tugged back and forth with retcons and people who wanted her to be just evil,


I think it was a mistake to make her Warchief, because she always thrived away from limelight, where she could scheme and act on her own.

On the other hand… what else could’ve been done about her? I personally have no idea where else she could’ve been used.


It was a disaster for the Horde, it was a disaster for WoW. As for what else could’ve been done about her? What else is done for any of the other Horde leaders? I mean…the Forsaken were allies of convenience, their leader should never have been the one to have unlimited, unchecked power given to her by the very guy who lead the rebellion against Garrosh.


I’m actively hiding XD

It was Golden’s version of Sylvanas before Shadowlands who totally exemplified the “Conceal don’t feel, don’t let them know” line from Frozen’s Let it Go. There were a handful of times where she thought to herself how much of a bro Vol’jin was, and how the Horde leadership only ever gave her the side-eye when she was being her typical “goth kid at the church easter festival” self.

Mostly, if she never had the WoW devil apparently choose her to be his subordinate, and BFA never happened, her best outcome would’ve been making amends with Anduin and Greymane however difficult that could have been. (Not very, that’s Anduin’s whole shtick)

Hard to say if that could have been possible, considering who was in charge of the game at that time.

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But what about Helya Plot? We would still have to learn what kind of a deal she made with her, and what she wanted to do. I guess Shadowlands plot could’ve still happen with her going against Bolwar, and abandoning Forsaken. With Vol’Jin as a Warchief. It would force Vol’Jin to fight for the forsaken, while forsaken would have to learn how to function without her, as they were essentiall cult of personality.

So yea even if We Abandon the entire BfA plot, the thing that happened in Legion could’ve still lead somewhere.

You mean the giant sea-monster woman who got flushed down her maelstrom toilet by the Primus when she attempted to remind everyone she still existed?

Have Helya reveal that she never planned on helping Sylvanas or the Forsaken with a couple guffaws and a “Fools!” or two. Voila, Sylvanas bet everything on a liar, just like she did with the Jailer, except this time she didn’t get to try and slay all of Azeroth in the process. Genn keeps his good boy award, and everyone gets to tell her they saw that coming a mile away, so she’s back in the Horde’s doghouse, while Vol’jin clears things up with Anduin.

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This just goes to show blizzard just white washes everything, the alliance has done wrong. This isn’t the only example.


Goodness, I looked away from this for a day and there are a stupid amount of responses. I guess you never go wrong with the classic debates?



It’s genuinely tragic how easily interesting new lore bits fizzle out at around 40 replies but faction debates from over ten years ago will push a thousand.

I guess Blizzard is right, the faction tribalism drives engagement! Even if that also tends to backfire on them just as easily.


Which" interesting new lore bits" you have in mind?

That is entire game model, and it is brilliant because it keeps people engaged all the time.

On EU forums barely anyone commented on story forums throurough DF period - because there was barely anything to talk about. DF is kindergarden of expansion.

It’s not that faction conflict stories are bad they’re just written incompetently.
One of my fav patches was Call of crusade - and while this raid looked far less impressive than Ulduar I just adored theme of competition between Horde and Alliance. Where every faction had their champions and you saw Garrosh and Varian bicker with each other.

That is more personal because these are the characters we play with and we could see them advance in the plot instead of random group that appears in expansion and then we hardly hear about them afterwards.


Well yea, Polarising topics drive engagement, No one is going to stand around and talk about some new development because if there is nothing polarising about there is nothing to say

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