Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

It was a joke. Get it? A joke vs legit thinking that people who play Horde are mass murderer supporters in real life.

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They literally played a video where Corpsegrinder called Alliance players the F slur and told them to off themselves lmao imagine the opposite ever happening hahaha.

George is a nice guy so I’m sure he was being hyperbolic, but that is just a terrible look for a company, y’know?

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“they”. It was a guest musician who said something stupid over 15 years ago.

You guys are really reaching for victimization lmao.


I don’t have to imagine it. I’ve seen it right here on the forums.


What is really funny is when someone ignores the actual arguments and thinks name calling is an actual response. There is a reason ad hominem attacks are listed as fallacies.

Well if we are getting into this, Sylvanas fans alone got called from simps to genocide-supporters.


Maybe dont have your weapons raised against the leader of your own nation.

Did she kill people? Probably, but only those who resisted arrest and actively fought back. Which is alot more morally gray then gunning down civilians. As for Vereesa it was likely the same with her, she was willing to kill anyone who resisted arrest but I doubt she condoned anyone who would be feeding the Sunreavers to Crocs.

It should also be noted that imprisoning a minority is still ethnic cleaning.

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She didnt imprison them because of their race. She imprisoned them because they were siding with a genocidal maniac.

They played the video though. It was really not necessary to play it. They could’ve just had Corpsegrinder on to play a song. People probably would’ve still gotten mad about it, but the distinction is that he said that in his private time. Blizzard played the video to everyone at Blizzcon.

You think that might’ve made Alliance feel a little unwelcome? And could you imagine the opposite ever happening? Before you post anything again, I want you to answer that question. Could you imagine the scenario where Blizzard invites Henry Cavill on and he just insults Horde players?

I’m not bothered by it. But this is an actual thing that happened and all you have is complaining about goblin miners or something with this comment:

There’s a difference here though, because Blizzard never tacitly endorsed anyone saying that Sylvanas fans are simps and genocide supporters.

I don’t care that George said those things. He said those things in a cookout or something in some back yard and he started geeking about WoW. He’s allowed to have his own opinion. But Blizz are the guys who played the video to an audience at Blizzcon.

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Doesn’t matter.* The statement I responded to was “Jaina doesn’t kill anyone.” Not “Jaina only killed a few people.”

*And that’s assuming I agree that it was some kind of self-defense thing, which I don’t, but we’ve been over that before and there’s no point in retreading it.


Its amazing that even in-universe Varian outright stated that the purge was insanely stupid and counterproductive because the elves were not happy with Garrosh and wanted to break free from him in general, yet here we are a decade later.


The thread is specifically she didnt kill civilians(if you want the more correct term would be, not kill any civilians who resisted arrest but that is harder to show with ingame mechanics) i actually never said anything about the guards.

The shop keepers in Dalaran had nothing to do with the theft. The ones targeted where targeted because they were members of a Horde race.


So go ahead, ask Blizzard if they stand by those words. If they believe the Alliance should do what they guy said. Cause I guarantee, they won’t. They’ll say exactly what I’m saying here. It was a joke. Not a very good one, but still a joke. But if you think I am wrong, ask them. Go ahead.


What does Henry Cavill have to do with any of this?

Are you suggesting that band or what ever that said a mean thing about the Alliance at a Blizzcon is as famous as Henry Cavill?

Not even sure why you brought him up. I never heard about that band that triggered Alliance fans until Alliance fans cried about it.

The thing is basically ALL of the Sunreavers were civilians. Even Aethas himself was a civilian.

They were never a military organization.


It wasn’t really a joke I think, it was more like trash talk. What Corpsegrinder said really isn’t out of the ordinary in video game multiplayer lobbies when people get heated. He was just nerding about WoW on his own private time and Blizzard execs thought, “This is so cool, let’s play this to our fans, a good amount of which are paying subscribers that prefer to play Alliance. That will go over well”.

They already apologized for it. It doesn’t really bother me. But it is something that happened, and with any intellectual honesty I cannot say there would be a scenario where the opposite would happen.

Henry Cavill plays Alliance. So he would be the equivalent of inviting someone on stage to just insult Horde players. Don’t think too hard about it, it was describing a similar alternate reality scenario that is completely unrealistic, because Blizzard would never insult their Horde subscriber base to their face in such a way.

It’s really not about the band. It’s not about George. It’s about the fact that they played the video at Blizzcon.

I really, really do not know where you’re getting this from. Where is it said the Sunreavers are a civilian organization? Because I’m reasonably sure Sunreavers took part in military organization in WOTLK.

There were civilian Sunreavers that were detained. But I think this is really hyperbolic to say that the Sunreavers were not militaristic when in every way they were the Silver Covenant’s mirror in WOTLK. You may not remember this but there are two camps in Crystalsong where there is a camp of Sunreavers and Silver Covenant who both have defenses, glaive throwers, and military personnel stationed. The Sunreavers also officiated the Horde’s presence in the Argent Tournament, an explicitly military event meant to hone soldiers against the Lich King.

I would like to see something that states that Sunreavers are civilian only, explicitly.

They were targeted because they were all members of the Horde. One of the options when we talked to Jaina was to say Jaina should asked them renounce their loyalty to the Horde:

Not if they renounced the Horde.
<Jaina brushes her hair from her eyes, deep in thought.>
You’re so passionate for your cause and clear in your convictions. Believe me when I say that the Sunreavers are the same. The Horde is their family.
Not all of them support Garrosh. But they’re not about to abandon their own people… I couldn’t ask them to do so without tearing the Kirin Tor apart.
The Kirin Tor is sacred to me. We need to stay united.

Honestly, if Jaina wanted to have the Kirin Tor neutral she should have forced everyone, Alliance or Horde, to renounce any loyalty to the factions. As it is, the issue is no one know who truly was loyal to the Horde and considering it was the SECOND time the Kirin Tor was betrayed it was certain an understandable reaction from Jaina.