Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold


People seem to get mad about other people who play Lightforged or Maghar Warlocks or Manari or other stuff that breaks their head canon.

As if playing in the game world, instead of the following the rules of their head canon, is a personal affront.


The majority of the violence was done by the Silver Covenant who were acting under Jaina’s orders and she did nothing to stop them. Jaina herself does kill some elves during the scenario as well.


Ye I also think it’s mostly people playing their favourite race and it should never be that when you play said race, you’re shamed for playing it. And this is sadly the case of worgen and troll (although in this case it’s indirectly), In worgen case at first it was some really weird approach in Cataclysm where they didn’t get a chance to experience their story in Silverpine, and in order to do that the had to play the Horde.
Then you had Genn in BfA where Anduin orders him around,
and then there is this artocious heritage questlines that outright shames them for being worgen.
And then this poop of Gilneas reclamation questline. Which should’ve happened in BfA period, and where Worgen push out Forsaken for good. Scarlets are just not working. And even less Forsaken who help reclaim it.

And same applies to me as a troll player. Where all I ever witness in game is to constantly watch how trolls are beaten up, having to lose important lore figures. Having to watch not once but twice a cinematic where they die on our own very eyes, and are never narratively allowed to retaliate and actually be successful in doing so.

So yea I love the race, I want to feel proud playing it. But the game developers are jerks and would rather screw you over instead.


I sympathize with troll players, the sensible ones anyway. Guys have had it really rough with the constant bad story telling and story decisions blizz keeps making regarding them.

Often times a lot of their bad decisions regarding trolls AND worgen feels
intentional. And I felt that way for years and blizz really hasn’t done much to lessen that feeling


Making worgen be able to go into human form, having worgen lore characters prefer being in human form, and having a bunch of Gilneans who weren’t even worgen to begin with were all mistakes Blizzard made from the start in introducing them.

Instead of being their own proper distinct race, they ended up being just humans with a condition that they hate and avoid as much as possible.


What baffles me is, that’s not what blizz promised us initially. They told us that the worgen were going to be the alliances answer to the darker themes of the horde

And than blizz proceeded to do absolutely nothing with it. We wanted vicious butt kicking werewolves, instead we got
.anything but


Blizzard certainly tries to make you feel bad, i recall danuser saying something like the horde fanbase didn’t learn from the cata-mop arc so thats why they were doing it again

Oh they’re intentional. The entire appeal of the worgen was that they’re meant to be vicious, Worgen curse was meant to give incredible screnght agility and fortitude.
And yet they’re reduced to constant dog jokes, putting them on the “muzzle” and I had impression that nobody treats them seriously.
Why would you do that? They’re worgen, you should crap your pants when you see them, not taunt them even more.
My impression is that developers don’t want to write vicious Alliance because they want to keep them heroic, and therefore any place where they’d act in questionable way is a big no-no. And this is why they’re neglected. Worgen are the ugly children that ruin the fantasy of pristine clean Alliance. While imo Alliance should’ve been this way. We should always have a choice to pick the way we want to act. If you want to go hardcore, you should be allowed to do that. Not every Alliance player wants to be goodie two shoes.

So If I was developer I’d establish that Alliance is actually diverse in their approach. That they have both heroes and zealots. If Alliance really wants to go hardcore against forsaken, let them play worgen or join Scarlet crusade and let them live to the fantasy where they’re actually doing what they want to do instead of having Anduin waggling finger at them “we don’t do it in Alliance”.
You’d think that with Dark Irons, Worgen, void elves the door would be open to explore Darker aspects of the Alliance and try something new. But nah.

With trolls- they were just obviously never liked to begin with, they’re constantly hit with sloppy writing. They’re mook race. Supposedly strong and intimidating but they’re always too weak to actually leave any dent on the world politics. They get the same story over and over again: that they lose territories, → they get desperate → and we have to go and stop them → someone imporant dies. Even Darkspears are stuck in insane loope for having to start all over again. I’ve lost a count how many times they lost a home or were attacked and had to recover. They must be record breakers. Poor guys literally cannot catch a break. Even in their Heritage Questline, their island is AGAIN attacked.

Trolls entire purpose in this game is to make others feel good for killing them.
Even their kids.

Troll treatment is intentional. Developers don’t like them, and they don’t want for them to win anything. If Devs wanted then you’d hear of trolls having more successes in Chronicles than just beating Aquir. But no, they’re perpetual losers.


There is an aspect to what you said that has merit.

If the Forsaken could just eat corpses to regain their mass and not look like withered zombies, I’m certain every Forsaken NPC would look like Nathanos and Sylvanas. A bunch of grey-skinned humans and elves.

The Worgen, taking from the werewolf fantasy, are meant to be monsters hiding among humans in disguise. The problem comes in, in that you can easily write a Worgen into any situation you could put a human character. Blizzard just hasn’t chosen to do so.

Imagine meeting an Alliance 7th Legion captain in a new zone, who stays back from the front lines, and gives orders, but doesn’t lead from the front unlike a lot of fantasy generals. Until later he comes to aid the hero and transforms, revealing he was a Worgen the whole time.

Simple nods to that would be immensely more satisfying to the Worgen and take so little effort to implement. It’s a tragedy.


Of the 4 playable varieties of humans, the Forsaken are the only one that’s meaningfully different from the others.

So we just end up in a situation where adding more Gilnean(or Kul Tiran for that matter) characters to the story just feels like adding more humans to the story. Which feels bad since there’s already so many humans.

Genn should be worgen full time. Tess should be a worgen. Every Gilean character should just be a worgen 99% of the time.

Then of course there’s the problem of Blizzard pulling yet more humans out of their butt with the Arathi.


They didn’t have to do this. Stromgarde is pretty much rebuilt by this timeline, is it not? The Human kingdoms are back to four out of seven. Stormwind, Stromgarde, Gilneas, Kul’Tiras. Four is a rather strong number, I’d think. I mean there aren’t three Orc Kingdoms, or Eight Troll kingdoms. So only three kingdoms are defunct as far as the Alliance is concerned, and one (Dalaran) was only destroyed recently. The other two

Lordaeron is undead, and aligned itself with the Horde, which has always made me smirk, because King Terenas’s legacy is that he protected the Orcs from being slaughtered after the two wars concluded, and his people would end up turning to those very Orcs for help after his death at the hands of his son.

And the other is Alterac, which was punished for siding with the Orcs previously, and has never reassembled itself as a nation in the years since. It’s really quite odd that an entire nation turned to banditry, and was never absorbed by any other adjacent power. Really strange.

But yeah, we have enough humans and elves. So for Blizzard to just hit us with, “But there was another! Another great empire of human-elves living under the crust of the world on it’s far side, one whose boasts of power suggest it may even be mightier than both the Alliance and Horde!”

Just cracks me up.


Some do, yes. In some of the more heated times on this forum, I can remember accusations flying toward members of both factions saying that they must be fascists IRL or else they wouldn’t have picked the side they did. And “fascist” was one of the milder accusations, tbh.

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Gonna need a big ol citation on this, because while i don’t like Danuser, and am happy he and Golden are gone, that seems like a really dumb thing to say.

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Wouldn’t suprise me especially considering how out of touch most of the dev team is and not understanding what their fanbase wants.

Nobody wanted the Cata-MoP evil horde, just like nobody wanted the BfA evil horde. So no idea why he would even say such a thing


I know they did say “BFA is going to be chock full of faction fistpump moments on both sides” and “We’re totally not garroshing the horde again” around that time, so its not like they weren’t going around saying dumb/untrue things.


it was from one of the QnA’s i can’t remember which but the exact quote is “Horde didnt really question themselves during MoP so we are doing it again”

“Horde didn’t really question themselves”

Meanwhile the leadin to BFA was all pure Alliance hostility

God I hope the metzen era goes back to this being a 2 faction story.


I was never sure if Blizzard was aware of the irony of that statement. Her objection was that someone should take out her sins on someone else. But she was doing exactly that on the shopkeepers of Dalaran.

Now maybe Blizzard believed that people would think through the issue long enough to come to that point. But I have my doubts


I remember this interview too (and how it devolved into shameless back-patting about the justice BfA would do to WC3’s characters), and I also specifically recall this comment
 but I’m pretty sure they were talking about the Horde itself, not its players.

Not to detract from how immensely false and stupid even that sentiment was - if anything, MoP did a far superior job examining the Horde’s flaws and branding it back to its WC3 portrayal, as engraved upon the Cleft of Shadows’ stone plaque - but still.


Yeah, the word “fanbase” wasn’t in there.

Still a dumb thing to say, though.